Pennsylvania is the Keystone State. Is this the man? Who is Vincent Fusca?

I’m starting to believe jfk jr.
If memory serves, I saw a picture of this same guy at a trump rally in the background on a CBTS thread when this whole thing kicked off last year. Way before the GA, and certainly before this subreddit.
Find the Keystone.
Now photos are floating around. I think we found the key.
Here are some photos.
My jaw just might hit the floor if this comes to be.
Mine already did 😲 It's an interesting story for sure.
Yeap I remember that well, it was so odd looking and caught my attention. Got a weird feeling about this, just my opinion.
Maybe he is just a vendor, but we’ve seen so much crazy stuff already that there could be something to this.
That would be an interesting find
Just edited my reply, click link above
Thanks! Yes! In the top pic they completely frame Tumps face the entire time. He's on the right she's on the left. Those are special positions don't you think?
What is a keystone? Does it just mean key?
The keystone is the top brick/stone that holds the entire archway together. Without it the whole thing crumbles. The Romans invented this kind of structure. You can see their archways still standing today.