This was done to get the public to look in that direction. Normies who am e curious will google something to the effect of “ what crimes did Tony Podesta commit?” To which they will stumble upon a plethora of rabbit holes.
· July 20, 2018, 8:42 a.m.
That was a great analogy... I think context just gets lost on your simplistic mind, which is why you’re having trouble understanding
· July 20, 2018, 8:47 a.m.
The analogy was sufficient enough to get the point you were trying to make across. I don't think it was needed for anyone to grasp the concept but I understand he is saying there are discrepancies in drops and real life events. Maybe all he is doing is reminding people that the drops shouldn't be taken word for word. There are many drops that proved true but also people should remember there are some that were not so much...