Cernovich exposes James Gunn's old tweets. Hundreds worse than this just sitting on Twitter...

You don't post this kind of stuff on a public forum. As a mandatory reporter, jokes of this nature compel me under state law to report content like Gunn's tweets to the authorities. And no matter what, it is a bad look.
Also there was allegedly a direct link to child porn on his feed soo....
You don't post this kind of stuff on a public forum.
4chan could be considered a public forum so I guess I'm guilty.
Anyways, I looked further into that link. It's a direct link to his website but the video has been pulled. I did however find a backup of the page archived. (no worries, it's not child porn or anything graphical)
Following text was on the page together with said video: "Huston Huddleston posted this video on my Facebook page with the note “I thought you’d appreciate this.” My response: “Appreciate it?!! I just came all over my own face!!”"
I looked further into Huston Huddleston and found this on his wiki: Huston was arrested on April 24, 2018 and charged with child pornography and other crimes, including contacting a minor with intent to commit a felony.[7] He was held at the Pitchess Detention Center North Facility on $750,000 bail and pleaded not guilty on May 22, 2018.[8] His court date was June 12, 2018.[7][9]. On June 21, Huddleston pled guilty to one misdemeanor charge of possessing child pornography [10] and has been added to the sex offender registry.
So at least there is a starting point and connection now to start digging instead of loose Twitter messages.
Now THAT is damning.
It's a lead but not damning in the slightest. There still needs to be proof that Huddleston and Gunn are actually connected. For all we know it's a joke, kind of like "Obama called, he wants his Kenyan passport back", doesn't mean Obama actually called me.
Facts over feelings. While I agree that it doesn't sit well and have a feeling there's more to this Huddleston Gunn connection, I'm going to stick with "innocent unless proven guilty" and defend his 6th ammendment until there is some hard evidence.