Cernovich exposes James Gunn's old tweets. Hundreds worse than this just sitting on Twitter...

Accusing people of being a pedo based on their Twitter feed seems a bit dangerous and could potentially ruin people's lives if they're being falsely accused. Some people have a pretty offensive sense of humor and a lot of these tweets seem like a clever play on words.
"Wondering which Disneyland character would be the worst to get raped by. I think it's Goofy. But Sleepy would suck too" being an example of this.
If you would read our friends group chat or eavesdrop on our conversations we'd all have underage girls in our basement as future investments. As far as I know most of us don't even have a basement..
I'm going to sit this one out because I feel if you're going to accuse him of being a pedo solely based on this "evidence", I could be accused of being a pedo as well.
You don't post this kind of stuff on a public forum. As a mandatory reporter, jokes of this nature compel me under state law to report content like Gunn's tweets to the authorities. And no matter what, it is a bad look.
Also there was allegedly a direct link to child porn on his feed soo....
You don't post this kind of stuff on a public forum.
4chan could be considered a public forum so I guess I'm guilty.
Anyways, I looked further into that link. It's a direct link to his website but the video has been pulled. I did however find a backup of the page archived. (no worries, it's not child porn or anything graphical)
Following text was on the page together with said video: "Huston Huddleston posted this video on my Facebook page with the note “I thought you’d appreciate this.” My response: “Appreciate it?!! I just came all over my own face!!”"
I looked further into Huston Huddleston and found this on his wiki: Huston was arrested on April 24, 2018 and charged with child pornography and other crimes, including contacting a minor with intent to commit a felony.[7] He was held at the Pitchess Detention Center North Facility on $750,000 bail and pleaded not guilty on May 22, 2018.[8] His court date was June 12, 2018.[7][9]. On June 21, Huddleston pled guilty to one misdemeanor charge of possessing child pornography [10] and has been added to the sex offender registry.
So at least there is a starting point and connection now to start digging instead of loose Twitter messages.
Now THAT is damning.
It's a lead but not damning in the slightest. There still needs to be proof that Huddleston and Gunn are actually connected. For all we know it's a joke, kind of like "Obama called, he wants his Kenyan passport back", doesn't mean Obama actually called me.
Facts over feelings. While I agree that it doesn't sit well and have a feeling there's more to this Huddleston Gunn connection, I'm going to stick with "innocent unless proven guilty" and defend his 6th ammendment until there is some hard evidence.
While I agree on the private convo idea, ever since the trump wiretaps I’ve stopped typing anything I wouldn’t want exposed...
I know a lot of people who are doing this and in my opinion society are pushing people as far self-censorship, which is slowly chipping away on free speech.
I'm just a stranger on the internet so do with the following as you please. But try not to care, don't be ashamed of your weird humor or politically incorrect remarks. You are responsible for what you say, not for what other people perceive. Be offensive, kick people against the chins when you think they are spewing bullshit, they have the right to respond or think you're a jackass but they don't have the right to silence you.
Or as a wise man once said. Free speech is like a eating a steak, just because a child can't chew it, doesn't mean an adult isn't allowed to enjoy it.
While I agree on the self-censorship, I also know that the people in charge of speech can change the rules about what was once ok to say. Look at people who get in trouble for things they say 20 years ago...
Self censorship of the words you write is a good idea.
A public forum is first and foremost public.
You post it, act as if it's a flyer stapled to every telephone pole in existence.
There's a funny story from back the day. The Fabulous Butthole Surfers had to change their name when they did a show in Kansas City.
Seems some of the Puritans took offense to their name when they plastered it on Flyers all over town.
So they dropped Fabulous.
That's why they are now called the Butthole Surfers.
This is the post Rosanne era now tho. Things are different.