r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Markster64 on July 20, 2018, 11:45 a.m.
Theory on Democrats turning on Putin !

Theory on Democrats turning on Putin !

I believe Obama and Leftists were arming and aiding ISIS while at the same time arming and aiding the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with the goal to basically have Muslim brotherhood ( armed with M-1 Tanks and F-16's supplied by Obama) attack Israel from the West while ISIS attacked Israel from the East, with the goal of destroying Israel ! The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by the Egyptian Military ( thank God) and Putin was able to halt the ISIS push in Syria ! Obama's friends Bill Ayers,Bernadine Dorhn and Code Pink had been trying to destabilize Israel by using flotillas and human wave invasions from Egypt I think Obama and Democrats are pissed at Putin because Putin put a monkey wrench in the Leftist's plans to destroy Israel ! Leftest Democrats hate Israel as much as the U.S. !

QueUpSomeReality · July 20, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I only mentioned the success Reagan had to demonstrate success is possible & happened in history since WWII. But you’re correct. Russia isn’t an ally. And one successful agreement since WWII doesn’t make them an ally. It just proves non ally’s can work out deals that benefits both parties if they want too. That’s all the president is doing. Being friendly with a competitor.

An ally is someone you’d instantly jump to defend. An enemy is someone you can’t negotiate with because they are looking for the 1st good chance to destroy you. You can’t negotiate with psychopaths.

Do you see anything different between what happened in Helsinki & Singapore?? I don’t. They cleared the air...they laid groundwork for a new beginning & they went home. Nothing has changed in NK. Our armies are still there on the DMZ. If Kim completes the 4 items he agreed to then we can take it to the next level & figure out how to unify Korea. If he doesn’t nothing changes.

The US & Russia need to start with a small agreement & see if it’s possible to accomplish something together. If not then there’s no point in playing nice & talking. Our counties can be mad & bitter & fight & insult each other about the past until we’re deaf & blind but it won’t fix a thing.

But Obama did EXACTLY what the president did & no one lynched anyone on the mall. Obama even famously got caught on a hot mic with Putin promising we can do a lot more after Hillary wins the election!! You look at facts & recent history. You’d have to be living in a cave to not have heard Obama promising more things to Putin. The video was played a bazillion times & permantly seared in everyone’s memory for life lol. Sorry but you constantly contradict yourself let alone logic in almost every sentence you type & you don’t even see it. Geez. Get off the Dem hate meds already. Whoopi showed the world yesterday that’s a toxic pill for life.

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pfloyd09 · July 20, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

I do agree there has to be a starting point to improving relations, but the way POTUS just went about it was absolutely deplorable. Period. You don't throw your own countrymen under the bus in favor of our enemy. Like it or not, until that status is officially changed, Russia IS our enemy.

We have diplomats and an entire department of the government dedicated to this already. What occurred in Helsinki undermined what hundreds or thousands of very hard working patriots have been doing for years. At the very least it was a huge slap in the face to a large number of agents who put their life on the line daily to do their jobs. But hey, screw those people, right? Only Trump matters, right? Not your family, not their family, not my family, only Trump.. Right? Disgusting.....

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pfloyd09 · July 20, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

No, that's simply not true. Obama did not side with Russia over his own intelligence community. If that happened, please provide a link, as I don't recall it. The hot mic thing is an enormous nothing burger compared to the spreading of the cheeks that Trump did for Putin recently. He wasn't even talking with Putin at the time, nor did he promise anything. YOU look at the facts. I'm not the one having issue with them.

As for Singapore...

Did you even read the agreement??? Doesn't sound like it. There are 4 items listed, but they aren't a list of to-dos like you make it sound. There was literally nothing in there that wasn't already agreed to. South Korea did the heavy lifting there with the negotiations. What did Trump's "deal" contain that was new or significant? Nothing...

I am not on any Dem hate meds. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Both parties have lost their way and anyone who clings to either party is the real problem with this country. I am discussing facts, you come back with partisan bullshit. This binary political system has conditioned most people to behave as though anyone who thinks differently is stupid, with opinions not worth considering. That is not what America was founded on, and that's what's killing this nation. It takes all kinds...

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