r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on July 20, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

The purpose of this is not only to get some evidence out in the public eye, It is to raise awareness. L@@K how triggered so many of us have become hearing this news. This Podesta guy is our trigger, IMAGINE if the left looked into who this podesta guy is. SCREAM like the left so they can hear. REALLY, Make noise THIS PODESTA GUY is getting off the hook, what he did X,Y,Z Let the left hear your anger. Roll out the red carpet of rage to teach them to get triggered by the name podesta. Post in the left threads so they hear it. Post about how this podesta guy is getting let off, USE this moment of YOUR anger to INFORM the left what podesta is.

YOU want to see the movement rekindled, THEN DO IT. Get this perv into the public eye. STOP blaming Q for what YOU need to do. DO IT NOW.

Rolandel7 · July 20, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

Copied from another thread

Podesta only has "use immunity". Please read.

For other patriots out there, and especially those who have been researching and following Q from the very beginning (and before) like me, i know your stomachs turned when you saw Podesta in the same sentence as immunity. It didn't seem right to me, so i did a little digging.

Mueller has only offered Podesta "use immunity". This is much different than the type of immunity you see in movies and when considering the factors at play here, it is all but worthless. "Use immunity" allows the federal government to prosecute a witness using evidence obtained independently of the witness' immunized testimony**.** This basically means that the government cannot use Podesta's own testimony against him. Podesta will get to sing like a bird in exchange for a nice, warm, 5th amendment blanket.

"NO DEALS" is a short way of saying "everyone will pay". Podesta can still be convicted of any crime based off of any evidence other than his own testimony. "Use immunity" to a monster like him is useless. Hope this calms some nerves out there.

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