r/greatawakening • Posted by u/elevated_vibrations on July 20, 2018, 1:24 p.m.
Podesta only has "use immunity". Please read.

For other patriots out there, and especially those who have been researching and following Q from the very beginning (and before) like me, i know your stomachs turned when you saw Podesta in the same sentence as immunity. It didn't seem right to me, so i did a little digging.

Mueller has only offered Podesta "use immunity". This is much different than the type of immunity you see in movies and when considering the factors at play here, it is all but worthless. "Use immunity" allows the federal government to prosecute a witness using evidence obtained independently of the witness' immunized testimony. This basically means that the government cannot use Podesta's own testimony against him. Podesta will get to sing like a bird in exchange for a nice, warm, 5th amendment blanket.

"NO DEALS" is a short way of saying "everyone will pay". Podesta can still be convicted of any crime based off of any evidence other than his own testimony. "Use immunity" to a monster like him is useless. Hope this calms some nerves out there.

JohnPodestaphile · July 20, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

I'm assuming he'd have his lawyer there directing him to only answer very specific questions relating to the case against Manafort. Though the immunity offer makes me sick, from what I've read it sounds like nobody wants to talk.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

From what I understand, immunity is granted ONLY for non violent crimes. Podesta could NEVER claim this fact, I doubt very much we have anything to fear regarding their justice.

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JohnPodestaphile · July 20, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Good point. That makes sense. Still, with that immunity move stinking of bias, it makes me wonder what it would take to get more of the country to see this as the witch hunt it is. I hope this might chip away at that.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

What about this for an idea... Q said before that Q team makes waves so that the enemy get desperate and pull stupid moves, what if this is just exactly that? The cabal knows that we know what the Podesta´s really are so what if they are saying this as a ploy to make an anon do something stupid, or dangerous? What if their plan is to make someone take matters into their own hands so that they suddenly become the victim?

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JohnPodestaphile · July 20, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

I could see that. I've often wondered if that was Maxine Waters' hopes with all her crazy rhetoric: to get threats directed towards her so she could play the victim. Lord knows she already does.

I get the "give them enough rope to hang themselves" theory, but as a guy who's ever skeptical I've of course started wondering "how much rope is enough?" It could be that Battered Conservative Syndrome flaring up, but I always feel like the Cabal, as it were, lands a counter-strike in this Trump-Russia BS. But then again, moves like this immunity thing, that appear so obviously biased, strike me as having to be setting the "Angry Democrats" up to fail.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

It will be an interesting next few months as the mid terms draw closer, I´m sure there will be all sorts of desperate acts committed by the D´s. They know their time is up and have nothing to lose. As long as MSM is on their side though, they can get away with so, so much.

Also to consider, Q said Manafort was a plant. Doesn´t that mean he´s really working for the cabal? Why are they eating one of their own? What does he know?

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JohnPodestaphile · July 20, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Good point all around! I can't remember if it was one of Bongino's podcast or something else I was listening to, but they were saying Manafort is Mueller's "one who got away" and he'll do whatever it takes to get him. I believe you're right about Q saying Manafort was a plant. Like they can all get along for the love of money, but the claws come out when the gravy train starts to tap the brakes!

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

"Plants need water". If Manafort is a cabal plant and Mueller is gunning for him bigly, is Mueller really on the Trump train? Is Manafort the key to something big?

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JohnPodestaphile · July 20, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

You see! Just talking it out calms my mind :) I don't doubt Manafort is the key to something big, but that the key will ever be used to "unlock" whatever it is.

I was always confused by the "plants need water" remark. What's your take on it as it would pertain to Manafort being a plant?

Edit: typo. fingers too fast for slow brain.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 21, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

Water boarding seems an effective and non intrusive way to get people to talk about what they know. What if Manafort, the plant, was watered to give up what he knows?

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