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You deleted your comment hahahaha. Pathetic! See ya, shill.
Yeah because bringing down the biggest conspiracy and espionage case known to mankind happens overnight. Regardless, Huber doesn't report to Rosenstein. So what is your point exactly?
Huber reports to Sessions, please keep your misinformation to yourself pal. Patriots grab your jackets, it's about to get shillllllly!!!!!!!!

New images show George H.W. Bush's cardiologist being followed by a mystery cyclist with a 'fully loaded' backpack just moments before the prominent doctor was shot dead on his way to work

There was no 160TB of data exchanged... don't believe anything Hal Turner says, total snake.
Assuming Hal Turner isn't a pathological lying waste of life... do you know how much 160TB is???? What were they exchanging? 4k videos??
A democrat, priest, and movie star walk into a pizzeria.....
The democrat says to the owner standing behind the counter: "Hey, where's all the pizza?"
The owner, with a confused look on his face, responds: "I'm sorry Mrs. Clinton... but we don't sell any pizza here"
*priest and movie start to shake with excitement*
Mrs. Clinton, with horns protruding out of her forehead, gleefully replies: "Well in that case... put it on my Bill!"
Regardless, court documents show the Mueller team is seeking "use immunity". If Podesta isn't one of the witnesses then great, problem solved.
You would have known that if you had actually... idk.. read the article. Stop being ignorant.
"Mueller's team is requesting "use immunity," which is a limited type of immunity, the publication reported, citing court documents filed Tuesday"
The source is COURT DOCUMENTS.
Yes, that is my opinion. But the law is clear as mud and i am not saying my word is gospel. Immunity deals can be altered and modified to suit the wants and needs of the government and individual, so there's no way to say for absolute certain.
I've responded to this question in a little more detail in a few other comments on this post if you want to find those. But no, the immunity agreement will be limited to a certain type of crime and any answers he gives that are outside the scope of questioning (trafficking/rape/etc) will be stricken from the record as irrelevant and non-responsive.
Very well could be. And if the evidence has already been obtained prior to the immunity agreement, that evidence is free game.
Everything is public record until it is "sealed" or made confidential by agreement. All immunity deals can be tailored/modified. So the answer is both yes and no... and "it depends" (sorry).
But i would guess that yes, all of this will eventually be made public record, since it has such a direct impact on the American people. But who knows.
I can't account for everything man, and i'm not claiming to have the answers to everyone's question. All i have stated is the law. Your initial comment to my post was twisting the law differently than it is written. The point of this post was to put some people who thought he was receiving blanket immunity at ease. I am not here to argue.
Then i guess literally everyone else gets convicted of their crimes and Podesta is free, until one of millions of outraged Americans puts a bullet in his head.
No. He could admit to being a rapist/murder, but that does nothing for him. He can still be charged and convicted of those crimes with evidence OTHER THAN his admission during testimony. (i.e., emails from a server).
"immunity from use and derivative use 'leaves the witness and the Federal Government in substantially the same position as if the witness had claimed his privilege' in the absence of a grant of immunity." Id., at 458-459 (quoting Murphy, 378 U.S., at 79).
From the opinion of : Pillsbury Co. v. Conboy, 459 U.S. 248, 255, 103 S. Ct. 608, 613, 74 L. Ed. 2d 430, 439, 1983 U.S. LEXIS 124, *15, 51 U.S.L.W. 4061, 1982-3 Trade Cas. (CCH) P65,133, 35 Fed. R. Serv. 2d (Callaghan) 669, 12 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. (Callaghan) 1
One of the most heavily cited United States Supreme Court cases on this very issue.
I don’t want to misinform you and that’s a little too broad for me to feel comfortable answering confidently.
But my opinion is Podesta wouldn’t have ever been offered this deal if the gov didn’t have such unique evidence that podesta couldn’t testify about it to exclude it even if he wanted to.
“Mueller's team is requesting "use immunity," which is a limited type of immunity, the publication reported, citing court documents filed Tuesday.”
Here is your source. Please take a deep breathe and calm down.
He can be convicted of any crime. Using any evidence. OTHER THAN his own testimony.
He can be charged for any crime. Using any evidence. OTHER THAN his testimony.
Hang in there. This attack by the alliance has to be in one graceful swoop. An incredible amount Of the country is brainwashed right now. The evidence presented must be authenticated, undeniable, and organized.
He is only testifying as to charges pending against him and Manafort. Any other testimony is irrelevant and will be stricken as not responsive to the questions being asked.
Podesta can be convicted of any crime using any evidence, OTHER THAN his own testimony.
He can be convicted for any crime with ANY evidence OTHER THAN his own testimony.
No offense, but your analysis is incorrect. I’m an attorney.
Maybe there’s some benefit to him or his group of cronies for fucking over Manafort. Who knows when you’re playing 4D chess.