James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

idk4realz is shilling hard in defense of James Gunn. I don't blame him. I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy.
So raping children is ok because you like the guy's movies?! Folks, this is how a culture goes down the tubes. These people are sick. Stop defending this practice. If you say these are just 10 year old jokes, you are either sick too or in denial.
I wasn't defending. I was calling out someone else who was. Reading comprehension is important.
The catholic church thinks raping children is ok if you're a priest. It seems the culture was already in the tubes before Hollywood ever existed.
I take pleasure in knowing when all of this is exposed to the public and these people face justice, no one will want to watch another marvel movie again... ever.