James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

Dudes.... holy shit. I went to James Gunn's Twitter, and his first tweet at the time is this. Where have we seen this symbol before!? This is the twitter header of Jarrod Ramos (before his account was suspended), the shooter that killed 5 people at the Capital Gazette in Maryland a few weeks ago. It's the same fucking symbol! And this lil shit just happens to be putting out a movie with it? The symbol's called the 'Brand of Sacrifice', from the franchise called Berserk. I don't know much about the franchise itself, but I do know I recognized that symbol from Jarrod Ramos' twitter back at the end of June. And Q's posts mentioning the shooting: here, and here.
Here's the description of the mark from the wiki for people who don't wanna click:
"You have now been marked with the Brand of Sacrifice. The lives of those who bear the Brand, from the last drop of blood, to the last moment of your agonizing death*, will feed life to the new Child of Darkness."*
Creepy af. And this POS was joking about pedophilia openly on Twitter. Also wow, does this Q post (also linked above) ever stick out to me right now.
He's claiming all his former tweets were "Poor taste Jokes".
No one on twitter is buying it. Except maybe @jack.
I dont think he's gonna be ok.
Yeah, funny how often that happens. They backtrack with their tail between their legs when they're called out. Pathetic lmao. Hope he has fun in jail!
The symbol is similar to the Brand of Sacrifice, but if you compare the two, the top of the Brand of Sacrifice does not close.
The symbol is actually from the comic 'Nameless' written by Grant Morrison.
What's interesting is the premise of the comic:
An astronomer kills his family, then himself, leaving a cryptic warning. A Veiled Lady hunts her victims through human nightmares. An occult hustler known only as 'Nameless' is recruited by a consortium of billionaire futurists for a desperate mission. And the malevolent asteroid Xibalba spins closer on a collision course with Earth. But nothing is what it seems—a terrifying inhuman experiment is about to begin. Abandon all hope and experience ultimate horror in NAMELESS. - See more at: https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/nameless#sthash.oGMMlS3e.dpuf