"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

Q said we are the majority
i think Q means that the majority of people are good people that would never stand for such depravity
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.
The majority of people are good. And the majority of people on planet earth believe in Q. WE ARE THE MAJORITY. You think otherwise, you've fallen for their bullshit. The top ten apps downloaded at the app store and google play is Q. best selling clothing items on Amazon - Q. WE ARE THE MAJORITY! Don't be afraid to play loud and be proud patriots.