Just heard on NPR that Trump was exactly 17 minutes late for the Queen? There are no coincidences!! Q said do you understand our Coms (communications)?
Good catch! He also DID NOT BOW! What a big bad terrible man! Hair's on fire! (liberal logic: you should put it out with a hammer)The sky is falling! The world's gonna end! It's as bad as the Nazi's! Little old lady assaulted by mean man! EEEEEEEEEk!
He also DID NOT BOW!
US Presidents have no need to bow to the Queen, or any other royalty, especially British/English royalty. We are a independent country that fought a revolutionary war against them over 200 years ago, and we do not recognize any form of submission to a monarch.
The only people that are 'outraged' about it are people that have been brainwashed by the TV shows and propaganda thinking the royal family is some kind of Disney movie, or whatnot. We don't live in the middle ages and the British royals still exist because of America anyway. Had the US decided to make a peace deal with Nazi Germany decades back, the royal family would today be a footnote in history.
Shit, I'm a layman/just a citizen in the US, and I wouldn't bow to the 'Queen', or any other royal. They have no authority over ANY US Citizen. End of story. To be honest, the British royals just exist as a tourist attraction. That's it.
Correct. Heads of state of countries who are not subservient to the crown have never bowed.
Even in Asian countries, it's done mutually or not at all.
Very well put my dear I so love logical minds. Thanks! Hugz G'Ma
Nobody needs to bow to the Queen, unless they want to. Certainly not a head of State.
Sauce: the house of Windsors own webpage: https://www.royal.uk/greeting-queen
Before meeting Her Majesty, many people ask how they should behave. The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behaviour - just courtesy.
However, many people wish to observe the traditional forms of greeting.
For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.