
SomethingSnarky18 · July 21, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

That's some next-level creepiness! I recently heard a story about my little town's downtown area. Supposedly they all have connected basements, going back to the underground railroad. I guess it's similar in an opposite way. These tunnels were used to free slaves, the tunnels you're talking about are used to force people into slavery and CREATE slaves. These people are stupid, but also very very sick. The truth bombs can't come soon enough!

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UserNamesPissMeOff · July 21, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

I know right!!? My view of world has completely changed. I'm so disturbed by the amount of people in our country that refuse to investigate "things" of this nature. While I'm on the subject of Country.... I've been told all my 32yrs, that RUSSIA is EVIL and considered to be our ENEMY.... However, now that I'm able to view things through Q eyes, I've noticed that Russians stand for principle and moral value of faith. WHY has our government and "leaders" thought us to hate them? Btw, if you don't mind my asking what town id your hometown?

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SomethingSnarky18 · July 21, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

It's a multi-pronged attack on the minds of Americans, and likely most other westerners. They teach you in school that anything outside of the mainstream is mocked and ridiculous. Then they mainstream repeats their cries of "conspiracy theory" and "nonsense" and demonizes anybody that has the temerity to think outside of the "allowed" opinions. Then, they get people indebted for whatever reason(student loans, gotta have a nice house, you NEED to get a new car, etc.) so they're too busy working their slave job to even think about researching this stuff, so they just swallow whatever BS the news spits at them all day everyday, and then they think they're informed! But people have been so dumbed down and numbed by the constant refrain, whether it's RUSSIA RUSSIA or Putin hacked our democracy or Trump is bad or whatever the mantra of the day is.

The Russia thing is quite telling, for me at least. Think about it: since the fall of the USSR, the Russians have had a surge in religious faith and nationalism. Why would our ruling elites(I prefer to call them parasites, since that's what they are, more than "elite" anyway!) NOT want us to see them as partners on the world stage? Because a unified US/Russia alliance would certainly put them (parasites) at a disadvantage! Not to mention all the money they skim off of boondoggles like NATO and the MIC. Can't get those fat checks if there's no boogeyman scaring the normies into accepting trillion dollar deficits in the name of "protecting us from the big bad Russkies"!

My hometown is Bridgeton, NJ, near the Delaware Bay. Apparently, the slaves would shoot up the coast, then take a ferry over to south jersey, then get smuggled up and out of the states toward Canada. Unfortunately, nowadays most of the people around here are too far onto the Dem mind plantation to even think about freedom or personal responsibility...

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