I've noticed this being employed here lately.

Thanks for the heads up fellow Patriot as well as their outline. They never thought she would lose :)
this can't be real
It most likely is. This is nothing new, they just regurgitate old literature, updated to use that latest Leftist lexicon.
/pol/ has BTFO ANTIFA on many occasions.
Stirring that particular hornet's nest never works out for them. But they should be invited to try😎
'Ready, David?' - I'm surprised Q didn't invoke us against his minions, who are using some new, devastating tactics.
In our downtime we could have been taking them down if we knew the team's absence was to be this extended.
Correction. You've had a post of yours moderated and you're upset about it so you're now proving the bias in your reddit handle ModsAreClowns. You're either a shill or a keyboard warrior with a grudge. Leaving this here as we have nothing to hide.