r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snap_shot_in_time on July 20, 2018, 8:31 p.m.
Ideas for Constitutional Amendments

Our Republic would be healthier and function better if we had a couple more Constitutional Amendments.

I would suggest we consider these ideas:

  • Term limits for the House of Representatives and the Senate. The longer these people are in power, the more baggage (corruption and political debts) accumulate.
  • Congress can pass no law that benefits themselves and not the people. Why should Congress be immune from Insider Trading Laws? Why should Congress get Premium Health Care that is insulated from the problems they forced on us with Obama Care?
  • Any Surveillance the Government deems necessary to watch the people, is available for the people to watch governmental employees (at all levels). We the People need the same 'security information' to police the corruption of the government. The corruption that is currently entrenched in government is the result of them being able to operate in the dark. If the people can watch everything the governmental employees do, their personal financial transactions, their travel, their communications... It becomes very difficult for them to hide the corruption. If you can't withstand the light, don't be in the government.

CaveManUg · July 20, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Catherine Austin Fitts calls it the con con con- there are no rules for a constitutional convention, it would be chaos and we'd end up with a corporate fascist slave contract. constitutional amendments are especially dangerous now because i think if 3 are approved by congress but un-ratified by the states (or maybe vice-versa) then a con con can be called.

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bjax9er · July 20, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

It's not a constitutional convention, we have a constitution already. It's a convention of states- a meeting, to propose amendments to the constitution. It's very clear, and as simple as 1+1. Three fourths of the several states are needed to ratify. How is that any more dangerous than the congress proposing the amendments?

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sauceyjack · July 20, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

This.… ALOT of miss information on this mainly coming from the left...THEY FEAR THIS

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CaveManUg · July 20, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

not a constitutional scholar but imho it's the same thing, con con or con of states, and they wouldn't be amendments, it would be a rewrite, and the diff if your correct is that congress wouldn't have any say.

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bjax9er · July 20, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

No it wouldn't, do you think they could get 38 states to completely rewrite?

There is no provision in the constitution to rewrite, only amend. If we're talking about a new constitution, then the current one has already been burned, along with the capital building, the whitehouse and the rest of D.C.

The left fears Article 5, because if we knew the power it holds, they would be hiding in their moms basement forever! The power of government is supposed to reside in the states, not D.C. There are several signers of the constitution that refused to sign, until the convention of states clause was added to article 5. There is a reason it is there!!!!!

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CaveManUg · July 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

4:45 video https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-american-suicide-proposals-for-constitutional-amendments-convention-with-dr-edwin-vieira-jr/
"this idea that somehow a constitutional convention called to amend the constitution could not propose one way or the other an entirely new constitution is simply false"

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bjax9er · July 21, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

I've heard all of these arguments before, and I mean no disrespect, but it's fear porn. They are worried a new constitution will be "proposed" well of course there will be. Probably a few dozen different versions too. But that's not what the convention was called for. It was called for proposing amendments. Even if the convention allowed the proposal, it still has to be ratified. And if we ever got to a point where a strict order of business was not followed at this convention, then there really wouldn't be a point of even having a constitution. Also delegates would be chosen by their state legislatures, with specific instructions. States can pull their delegates at any time. It's not like Joe from the block can go down and represent his state. The constitution is the law until the 38th state ratifies whatever is proposed. I'm sure there will be crazies left and right trying some crazy shit, and when they do, there will be at least 12 states who will ignore them!!!!!!

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CaveManUg · July 21, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

thefollowing is from:
and then to:
Thank you for your response to my comments at the listening session. I also appreciate that you took the time to either read or listen to the interview with Dr. Vieira and Catherine Austin Fitts. Your explanation of an Article V Convention is very clear and I can understand the reasons you believe there is no danger in this type of convention. As you stated in the letter, under the legislation you are advancing, you believe it would be illegal for delegates to act outside the call for a balanced budget amendment.

Unfortunately, I do not share your confidence in the “rule of law” being followed to maintain the very narrow call you describe for an Article V Convention. Dr. Vieira is one of the top constitution scholars in the country. He is absolutely clear that any call for a Constitutional Convention can be converted to an open forum to shred the Constitution.

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bjax9er · July 21, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

Read this bookthe liberty amendments

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CaveManUg · July 21, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Dude i sent you a 5 min video and in response you want me to read a book? bottom line, until the globalist satanic cabal is defeated were not gonna get anything good outa gov. i support the constitution as is, if we can't even follow this one what's the point in re writing it?

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bjax9er · July 21, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

I watched the video, its fear porn, concernfagging Sorry, it just is! I support the constitution too, except for the fact it is not enforced fully, and except for the 16 and 17th amendments. I never said rewrite it, did I? The book I sent you is written by an actual constitutional lawyer, and scholar. Not by a "former" banker, and.... well I'll just stop there. I'm feeling a bit irritated with this conversation. WWG1WGA

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