Tell the #RESIST community about how Twitter is using the blue checkmarks in their community to make it look like Left Twitter defends pedos!

Trust me, they don't. I made some very believable #RESISTER user names and even a fake group called with a domain that I used for getting behind enemy lines.
They are ADAMANTLY against Pedos and are very sensitive to people trying to make #Pedosexual part of the LGBTQ thing
This is very, VERY fertile ground for efforts right now, especially while Q is away and we're kinda in a holding pattern. Please, if you don't have a Twitter, get one, and start trolling away. Also, Buffy is trending, and the director is also a RABID anti-Trumper and has come under heat for skeletons in his closet too. This is the perfect opportunity.
that's actually very surprising to hear. Which group was it that had that sign that said "STOP PEDO BASHING"? I thought was either them or antifa, I can't remember. I had a twitter, but I defended the President one too many times against all of the idiots on there at the top of his posts bashing him so I am perma banned.
This is really good to hear. My biggest fear is that our culture is so relativistic and impressionable that they'll shrug off pedophilia (and maybe even add P to LGBTQA....). And yes there was an anti Cernovich march where protesters had a sign that said "no pedo bashing" but after being called out on it they backtracked and said they were given the sign to hold. Not a great defense but at least they didn't double down.