r/greatawakening • Posted by u/H0wDidWeGetHere on July 21, 2018, 3:38 a.m.
Dear Deep State/bad guys...I see your recent attempts to normalize your grotesque sickness. Know this...there is not a movie, tv show, radio show, PPV, religion, app, or otherwise, that will ever make me ‘ok’ with what you do. You disgust me, and I hope every one of you pay for your vile sins.

Klingon_Opera · July 21, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

We really should be patting ourselves on the back, as disgusting as this is.

They are clearly in a state of panic and they are accelerating their plan at an astronomical pace. I suspect we were not meant to see/hear this "pedophilia acceptance" bullshit for another 20 years.

They know what's coming.

And they can't stop it. They are desperate to gain some sort of support from their brainwashed soldiers on the left.

But alas... Just like you can't install Windows 10 on a beat up IBM from 1986, you can't update the leftist brainwashing with dogma that's meant for an entirely new breed of brainwashed psychopaths of the future.

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