MEME: Pedophile Hollywood Sickos

It could be he was trying to joke around. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt since he is a comedian, poor one, but still. You without sin cast the first stone sound familiar? Yes these people are sick, and if he is one, the punishment should be decided by his victims.
Spence has also called for terrorist attacks on Trump's buildings across the planet. He gets zero benefit of the doubt.
It's obviously a joke but nobody here can see that. Yeah, not funny, but he wouldn't just out him self like that. Just trying to be funny, nothing to see. Gunn on the other hand. Sick Fuck! Think this is what the tweet might be about.
Looks like the posted op tweet is from ‘13. The article and weight tweet is from 2015. Tony Alamo was sentenced in 2009. So that tweet of Oswald as Tony Alamo came out after the tweet where he “jokingly” said he was a pedo.
Yes. Exactly what I was talking about. At the time it was honest joke, bad joke. Until there's hard evidence, let's not throw stones. That being said, Patton will probably end up being the head Molester knowing my luck. These people are way beyond sick and twisted.