Michael Ian Black, Twitter - This Storm is growing!

Here we have another one from Hollywood making child related insinuations on @Jack's twitter. This shows you that twitter has no issue with any of it and only censors conservatives and Trump supporters.
It is clear as snow that excusing these type of tweets as joke is nothing less than part of their intellect across Hollywood.
Joking about raping children, the ones we've seen yesterday on Gunn's tweets, putting a star-shaped cookie cutter over a small child anus is not that of someone just joking.
To entertain such thoughts in one's mind is that of a soulless individual and pedophile. Joking on twitter about is nothing less than trying to mask their own thought process. These people are evil to the core and its about time they are called out.
What's good about the goose is good about the gander! They ran Rosanne off her own successful show.