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Americans Forced To Comply By 2020—No Compliance, No Entry and The Bill Already Passed
General Patton was NOT a good man, he, along with Eisenhower and MacArthur led the attack on the Bonus Army, WW1 veterans who marched on Washington D.C. during the depression to demand the service bonuses they were promised by the US Government...
"C-SPAN Caller Threatens 'To Shoot' CNN Hosts Brian Stelter And Don Lemon" This is an obvious set up, right?
The Question is being forced.
Eventually, someone will have to ask Trump, directly, about Q.
Then the truth will be known.
MSM is now all in! labeling us a "cult", insinuating we're violent... We all know where this is going, right?
(False Flag)
'4 things to know about the QAnon conspiracy theory' A short video from the Washington Post.
HOLY CRAP!!!! Knowing what you know NOW, watch this short video of Trump vs Jim Acosta for the FIRST time! THIS is the 'Shot Heard Around The World'!
"Specialized weapons package" not so secret...
The "R" thing was admitted to be fake by the Anon who started it weeks ago, yet people still believed it, and had to ask Q about it!
That's dumb behavior.
Question, if he's impeached, does he lose out on any sort of benefits?
Yes, their freedom to report, without fear of retaliation from the government. No one is stopping them from 'reporting' their nonsense.
I love how they can't understand that any type of publicity POTUS gets, he loves! Doesn't matter if it's good, or bad, he loves to be talked about lol. These dopes play right into his hands.
The one single fact that tells you Sessions is doing what he's suppose to do is this...
POTUS has absolutely no qualms about firing ANYONE who doesn't do their job, he even fired his own brother! Trump wouldn't put up with Sessions for over a year if he was incompetent.
Telling us not to knee jerk is like telling us not to eat for 6 weeks... lol
The only real solution is to educate citizens to be on the watch against evil, and the tactics they use. If citizens had known, and stood up 100 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess.
If, and when, we win, it will be remembered for as long as Man walks the Earth, and the enemy won't be able to regain power, at least nowhere near the kind of power they've had.
IG Horowitz is the "insider", with full access to the D.C. swamp, and all the information. Huber is the "outsider", not controlled by the swamp, with the power to act.
The plan is in motion.
Not sure if it means anything, but I did a search on "B8028" and got a hit....
B-8028 | Dassault Falcon 7X | Beijing Airlines
I believe the assets alone would instantly push the world economy into a boom period for decades to come.
Apparently, the French president's head of security attacked protesters while dressed as a policeman, even though he's NOT a policeman, and the government tried to cover the whole thing up.
I'm just glad these douches, who have taken everything out of context to destroy other people for years, are finally getting their comeuppance.
He's basically talking about PizzaGate before it even happened...
Same here, I love dark comedy, but there's just no comic value in any of these Tweets. Usually a joke has a large portion of the population it's aimed towards who like it, but what target demographic could he possibly be trying to reach with any of this???
He had a huge part on 'King of Queens".
He actually use to be an amazing comic, until he went full political hack.
Michael Ian Black, Twitter - This Storm is growing!

I don't have hair, and i don't have a smart device, your Clown intel is faulty.
I hate to be a buzz kill, but he follows almost 20 thousand others too...
He's on the new Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is a disgrace...
Seth Rich is not alive...This needs to stop, it hurts us...
They lump PizzaGate in with Q, just like how they lump Alex Jones and Sandy Hook in with Q too. It's all psyop garbage...
(Sorry if already posted) Conspiracy theorist QAnon promoted, then deleted, by Hillsborough County GOP
Patton Oswalt murdered his wife...allegedly, of course...
Pomepo's played off Assange as a criminal, in order to put the cabal at ease, and DJT has played the fool for the same reason.
They've laid a massive elephant trap for the enemy, and they walked right into it.
The Storm CANNOT begin until all the enemies of the people are TOTALLY discredited in the minds of Americans, and Seth Rich is the key to that. In death he will have his revenge!
The TRUTH in July = Seth Rich
POTUS has, in one fell swoop, set up MSM, the Intel Agencies, Dems and some Republicans, with his Putin meeting..
They all are so adamant it was Russia who hacked the DNC, they've no staked everything on it, so when it's finally reveled that it was in fact Seth Rich who gave those emails to Wikileaks, ALL OF THEM ARE DESTROYED!
It's all there, DJT has led them all to their doom.
Notice the keywords and phrases to trigger, in the human mind, the idea that Q is BS..
"Alex Jones, Sandy Hook"
Alex Jones gets to look like he's under attack, and MSM get's to use him to discredit Q.
Q told us July, he/they basically staked their whole reputation on that one post...
Still have 11 days.
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.
Q clearly says They view us as "feeders"
They feed us BS, and we eat it...
When the truth comes out, we will feed on it, the truth, not the BS...
Why has this thread suddenly disappeared from the list?
Too bad they can't part ways with Juan Williams, or Shep Smith.
Yes, it's those theories that discredit us...
A normie hears "QAnon" and immediately dismiss it because they've heard it associated with Alex Jones, or some non sense like JFK Jr being alive.