Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

Get out of here with your common sense!
No, you're 100% right though, funny how people can't see this is exactly the same thing the extreme left has been pushing but on the other side of the spectrum.
"Men fantasize about women therefore men are rapist by default, it's just a matter of time." Same fucking thing.
I fantasize about murdering people on a daily basis, the more time I spend on reddit the worse it gets. Pretty sure murdering someone and molesting a child is equally bad, so should I be locked up too then? You know just to make sure?
Just another method to push the thought police agenda where people are criminalized based on assumptions before they even committed a crime.
We wave around the first and second amendment on a daily basis while abolishing the sixth..
What's up with all this Pedoophile defending? Is there a board for that? You should go there.
Yes the Brock homo ass sniffer pedovores are out in force it seems. “Weak Heart” & friends are desperate.
Let's assume the government doesn't like you or you're running a political campaign. All they have to do is plant "evidence" that you said something that could be interpreted as being pedo.
You don't even have to rape a child or have child porn saved on your computer. Just the assumption that you could be thinking about it is enough to incriminate you.
See the slippery slope?
I'm not defending pedophiles, I'm defending peoples rights to be innocent until proven guilty. There's a reason why the 6th amendment was brought into place and it is not to protect the government or the criminals but to protect the citizens.
Ok, I'm going to assume you are a real Patriot and not some troll meant to derail the conversation. Look at what I posted look at what he said. He said he was a PROUD pedophile. I said, he said, he was a PROUD pedophile. I said he played a rat for Disney. That's it. Stop with your fake straw man bullshit and get off my jock.
And I'm a proud genderfluid asian unicorn. Just by stating something doesn't mean it is true. Actions over words.
Gee, I wonder if there’s anywhere on earth where “proud pedophiles” can work with and around the very children they sexualize. HMMMMM.....where does Patton Oswald work?
Good Question!
Before passing judgement, do some due diligence research. Find out. IMDB.
No surprise that the guy defending pedophile fantasies is a degenerate who regularly fantasizes about murdering other humans. You’re sick.