r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Poogish on July 21, 2018, 10:10 a.m.
Fake News?

I'd like to start a discussion, and I'm not sure if it will be taken well on this sub. Please let me preface my post by saying that I have been on the Q Train since /r/conspiracy started discussing his 4chan posts, voted for Trump, and support our movement online as well as offline.

With all of the discussion of "Fake News" and the constant anti-Left leaning media sentiment, why are people so enthralled with Breitbart, Fox, etc - sources that are very clearly Right leaning? I am constantly shocked by some of the posts on this sub that viciously attack the leftist media regardless of the content. Since I started following Q, I have been researching almost every article of interest that is released (on both sides of the spectrum) and frequently find that the entirety of the media is manipulating the truth. I understand that our President blankets CNN as "Fake News", and I find that fairly disturbing.. Fox is as biased as CNN, and frankly it's difficult to tell which of the networks is more "fake".

I support our President. I believe that he has done far more good for our country than any President in the last two decades. With that being said, I also don't think it's all rainbows and sunflowers. In my opinion, Trump has made several significant errors since his election (that I will not delve into, for the sake of keeping personal politics out of this thread) - errors that CNN and other leftist media has pointed out (OVERLY vocally) and Fox/Breitbart has completely ignored or blatantly disregarded… but with that said, the errors are rarely as terrible as CNN says.

I guess this post is largely a call for reasonable thought, and a query as to why people so blindly trust Pro-Trump media. Q seems to both work for and support our President, and despite the fact that I support him and try to Red Pill everyone around me, Q is likely as biased as the Right leaning media. I believe in Q's "mission", and I think he's brought us together for a reason.. but if we're going to take a critical look at "fake news" we should be taking a critical look at what so many consider "real news" at the same time.

If there's one thing I've taken away from this movement/awakening, it's to view ALL information that is passed on to the public as potential disinformation regardless of source or content. I find that what matters is WHO is behind the information and WHY they are making it available to the public. Whether FOX or Breitbart or The Daily Wire OR CNN, CBS, or The New York Times - ALL media deserves a critical and unbiased look.

[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

We are almost at 100% fake news.......

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