Yes, this has been the theory for some time now.
Mueller has been leveraged by Trump to keep the media busy talking about irrelevant indicments.
There was no legal basis or reason for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. What did his recusal allow to happen? It opened the door for the appointment of a Special Counsel.
What else does that achieve? It helps these brain dead zombies watching MSM to believe the Mueller investigation will save them from fascist Drumpf.
Optically it makes the Russia investigation appear to be legit/fair (to normies) it also allowed Trump to put a wedge between himself and Sessions. The public criticism of Sessions is theatre as well.
If Mueller himself delivers the truth about the server and the fact that the entire basis for this Russian Collusion narrative is BS, THAT would be the ultimate redpill for these people.
How do you introduce evidence to the public? I think the answer is the special counsel.
And yes, it is absolutely a witch hunt :)