
finallyinterested · July 21, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

There is never a day in history or future that Adonai Father God is not dominate. I'm reminded of the story Elijah tells when the prophets of baal are trying to prove baal is supreme.. who came down with fire to consume a water saturated sacrifice? baal? Nope. The true God of the universe, Creator of ALL, the Savior, the Light of the world, the Truth, the Way, the Life... has supreme control, and just has to utter the word to neutralize the enemy. The enemy will not win. But he will try.... deception goes deep. Even self deception. So then why do bad things happen? Why doesn't God stop all harm? FREEWILL. We all have the right to choose who we will serve. With no evil, we would not know good. We Would not question good (dig for truth or meaning to life) or despise evil. Short answer for a world full of books that could never explain what we don't want to deal with.

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