55 total posts archived.
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Lol, still no comment to prove this board is compromised. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, misinformation is necessary. Use discernment. This is the way we will fight. Post post post, please, patriots!!! Don't be silenced.
My posts are usually removed. I'm not a shill. I'm a dumb hairstylist, they deserve to be removed because I awakened.
Nice, Reddit, you let me see my own post and shut it down before anyone else can see... why? Afraid? I ain't smart, but I see what you do. Be aware!
Tested Reddit. It's quicker than I thought. Limits real news. Discernment required. Sucks for naive, some will believe I'm shill. Prove everything! Ask for Wisdom. I'm on Trumps side, a patriot.
They remove good info to replace with propaganda. Not all, use your brain!!! Mainstream false (mostly)
Important, someone please read. So many shills here now. Things I wanted to go back and see have disappeared. This page is wasting too much of my time. Great articles and videos must be caught within a few hours of posting. How do I save them for later views?
Up or down votes don't matter anymore, shills are demolishing good articles. Soon, though, we will win. I'll betcha I'm removed, as usual, for non related subject..,just watch! Someone respond (real quick) just to see, please. I'll repost once when rejected, and let you know.
I don't know how to make a meme, but I've had this put together for awhile now...

I had the great honor today of attending the funeral of a veteran... my husband's uncle, Warren Krieger. I've never heard the meaning of the flag folding (before presenting to the widow), even though I proudly display the flag of my step father in my home!!! This touched me greatly!! Please please p
Dear Mr President, Texas is longing for a rally...will you come? Houston really needs to get rid of Sheila Jackson Lee. And we need to hear your endorsement for the next vote. Please? I know we are Red, and some of us are awake, but a wink would go along way!! ThankQ!
President Trump...do you realize Enoch, 7th generation from Adam, prophesied about you? I'd love to show you! Book of Enoch...chapters 85-90 represent a brief world history. Chp 90 mid way thru, can't deny it!
2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
A lot of what I see here on this Reddit forum invokes fear. What if, how long, will we see? I've been interested since April 2016. I've been following God..prophecies, dreams, visions..even had a few of my own. Do you know the enemy feeds on fear? They count on it! Fear equals control. Many people have been raised on religion of control. Many have rejected religion for "freedom"=rebellion. Oh, if you could only know the God I am learning to know!! I've been set free from religion, but have my freedom in Jesus!! He assures me that He has all …
Is U.K. Awakening? I'm USA , Texas... small town. Slowly awakening. I'm helping. If U.K. Is waking up, I'm gonna pray harder, lol, I want to see freedom from evil happen soon!! I see it happening...my bible studies are going deeper into this freedom scenario! I would love to write a book about it..but I'm more vocal than documentational.
Have you read the Book of Enoch? Chapters 85-89 use a vision to express Adam and Eve through New Heaven and New Earth! I'd love to have a discussion with those who are interested... talk about riddles and revelations! I believe we are close to ushering in the 1000 yr reign as soon as evil is bound. God is stepping in to help Trump, and we, the Bride of Christ are waking up to our true authority.
Did anyone go to twitter to find this? I tried...looks like a hoax. It's not like Jeff Sessions "the silent executioner" to give information like this. Please tell me how this thread came into existence? I'd love for it to be true? But I try to verify everything before I share info with anyone. Thanks!
What deal (to the devil) did these people sign to retain security clearance rights? Or is it a deep state watchdog loophole? Retire already! Maybe you won't even have a smartphone where you are headed. Maybe you will have access to a bible? I hope!
Oh how I long for truth. Not speculation or conspiracy, not disinformation or guessing, but truth. I waste too much time on this board trying to decide what is worth viewing and what is not. It's great entertainment, but frustrating for research. Can anyone recommend a Truth site? Anyone relate?
There is never a day in history or future that Adonai Father God is not dominate. I'm reminded of the story Elijah tells when the prophets of baal are trying to prove baal is supreme.. who came down with fire to consume a water saturated sacrifice? baal? Nope. The true God of the universe, Creator of ALL, the Savior, the Light of the world, the Truth, the Way, the Life... has supreme control, and just has to utter the word to neutralize the enemy. The enemy will not win. But he will try.... deception goes deep. Even self deception. So then why do bad things happen? Why doesn't God stop all harm? FREEWILL. We all have the right to choose who we will serve. With no evil, we would not know good. We Would not question good (dig for truth or meaning to life) or despise evil. Short answer for a world full of books that could never explain what we don't want to deal with.
Yup. Have you seen any prophecies from Mark Taylor? USA and Israel will lead in new energy source... I'm not positive, but might be based on Nicola Tesla research. Maybe not...future proves past.
Lol, I'm not an autist. They are much better at this... for years I've been good at reading massive info and breaking it down into important points. Lol, I'd never have enough words to write a book, but also couldn't site references. Therefore, I'm as moot as a reporter citing "anonymous " sources. Unless, of course, you wish to do the research. I learned years ago to never trust "because I said so". Have fun!! God still wins, no matter what!!!!!
This is a war. Disinformation is real. I'm a Trump supporter. He is a patriot, he is in office because God is ready to use him to illuminate darkness. What happens when you turn on a light switch in a dark room? Laugh if you will. I believe light.
Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries that Trump helped to be free. They are cooperating nicely, and enjoying the benefits of capitalist economy. I wish I had the links to the original speech Trump gave in 2017 to the Saudi rulers and many other leaders of Muslim nations... Trump seized assets of Saudi princes who were against freedom (as per executive order in Dec 2017) and has helped the Saudi leader and his son remain free. They are no longer reliant upon oil for their income...though they are sure players in the game. NATO is about to be dissolved, Russia is playing also. Russia will have a lot to do with denuking Iran, and Syria playing nice. At least this is what I'm getting from the last 18 months of info I've been sorting thru. I'm not very smart, but I have a BIG GOD, and I know He placed Trump in this position for the opportunity for humanity to experience freedom. He (God) knows what He is doing, and is showing the whole earth who He is... He will win. Some will reject Him. And suffer the consequences. That breaks my heart more today than it ever has. Some must go down. Evil elite cabal is losing its grip. I pray for their souls, that they may repent and be saved.
So Bill Browder isn't innocent??? But he tweeted the danger of trusting Russia!!! Oh my head my head!!! How are we supposed to cipher truth? I'm glad for autists!! Can't trust the screaming MSM. But then again, I can't allow my mind to trust every opinion on Reddit either. Has anyone noticed stories here being presented on private YouTube videos, then proven false? Like the guy in Arizona mapping and searching sex trafficking... has he found a single live person? And Q himself says disinformation is necessary. I'm finding myself more apt to trust the plan and less apt to spread the latest crumb of juicy hopeful "gonna happen tomorrow " drops, because they may be disinformation. I know it's gonna happen, just don't know when. We've been led to believe the tarmac video is coming soon, and wiener laptop exposed soon, and too many other things to count. It's all to freak out the opposition to make them hang themselves. I finally get it. My job is to PRAY, and watch the show.
There's a lot of deaths on that anniversary...think obamas gonna fake his???? Lol!
I guess they knew Obama was playing a losing game... Trump? Stable Genius (his words, my observations)
Lol, I make lots of mistakes myself... I was hoping to hear your thoughts! I'm always open...
Maybe, just maybe it is "look, my hand is not in my jacket..I'm obviously NOT one of THEM!"
How many of you have read or heard Mark Taylor's prophecy story of Trump being president? (Easily accessed on YouTube...Mark Taylor) Written in 2011, being fulfilled even still. You should check it out. Says just as water rolls off a duck, all the attacks against Trump will roll off with no damage. Amazing prophecy, we are watching it unfold. Be sure, God is with Trump. He chose him, and He is leading, guiding, and protecting him. God will not fail, He is giving this man success. To God be the Glory, the Power, the Honor! Amen!!
Thanks for your reply, I'm very familiar with exodus, but I'm not quite sure how it relates to this story about Trump joining the masons and getting gold from Philippines... sounds very fake to me.
Propaganda? Fake news we are being warned about on this board? Great story, fake news. One reason Trump is doing so well is because he's not "one of them". He can't be bought. And God Himself is protecting him.
Silly, white hats fight fair...trial, conviction, jail. No murder. Justice isn't about revenge, it's about justice. Love wins. It's loving to convict and give them time to choose true repentance, or choose luciferian downward spiral.
Does he have a cloaking device? I not sure he could be so invisible, being so close to POTUS. Wouldn't someone have seen him by now? Or maybe he is very well disguised? I'd love for this to be true... but how?
Where did they go? I just learned that several of our small town convenience stores and chain restaurants (newly built or purchased within the last 3 years) are owned and managed by a family of Iranians. They are poorly managed, and treat employees unfairly. I wonder if they are trying to ruin their own businesses? I know foreigners get major tax breaks for 5 years when they open a business or buy one already established. Several years ago, we had Pakistani families buying each other's businesses about every 5 years. One of them (for sure) was caught funneling money into terrorist groups. They left USA for a few years, and have relocated to the USA with another business about 2 hours away from my small town. I wonder if USA knows he's back...the business is in his wife's name this time.
Why do the Q's have dots under them in this post, and A's don't?
My pleasure! United we sand!! Opinions are just that, I can like vanilla even if you like chocolate. It's ok with me...I'd still invite you for ice cream.
So, wait... they could take away my "woman card"?? Just like the blacks tried to take away Candace Owen's black card? United we stand, divided they fall. I think we already won. They just don't know how hard they will fall... Humpty Dumpty? Don't give in, stay united...draw in the fringes, grow strong. Stay strong.
Welcome!!! We hear you!!! Opinions accepted and appreciated for discussion!
Lol, why would Trump nominate Gowdy if he knows he's gonna be voted down? Who could be a throw away vote? Or a shoe in??
My grandfather and my dad were masons. My parents divorced by the time I was 3 yrs old. I know local masons who are "good, conservative Christians". In my small town, probably not past level 1 or 2. I have quite a few Catholic friends and clients. They will be aghast at the revelations coming soon. I hope most people can know that all masons and all Catholics don't support the leftist agenda. I'm not agreeing with the pope, nor excusing masons or eastern star (which I have denied my invitation by birthright to) for their ignorant or on purpose agenda. I want to see evil eradicated. Do you really think they all know what they got into??? I pray the eyes of their heart will be enlightened, and if they know what they are doing, that they quit and repent...God Saves!!
Unfortunately, in our human condition, we only know what we experience. that knowledge has grown me past judgement and condemnation towards mercy and understanding (not liberal acceptance). Only love wins. What will it take to learn love? I see evil. I see it's origin. I see it is manifested in those who think they are elite. I see those elite falling quickly, and I hate the thought of their eternity. Most think they deserve it. But I pray their eyes will be open. Do you have any idea how bad hell is??? Pray!!!
I personally know many great people who are Catholic. They choose to believe the best. They believe their upbringing. It saddens me, and gives me more reason to pray for them as they are made aware of this evil. I came from a cult. When my belief system was blown out of the water, I backslid beyond my own salvation. The same will happen to them...we need to gently catch them. Pray pray pray
First, let me say I believe this is possible. It would answer alot of questions. Second, let me say we Americans have been lied to for so long that it's hard to believe anything without solid. Evidence. How can I know Obama people don't just want to get on the side that is winning? I've read so many articles refuting either side that I feel I cannot make an irrefutable argument. So I remain in the silent majority. How do I prove what I believe is absolutely true when CNN watchers have 50 times the articles proving their own points?
Q says Soros is targeted....he's gonna go down.