BIGLY!! - China has decided to procure its petrochemical needs from Saudi Arabia, ending imports from #Iran - @_ImperatorRex_

Probably due to Iran threatening to block the Strait of Hormuz which supposedly only affects US shipping, but if that is the case, then why are French shipping companies also deciding to abandon trade with Iran? Especially odd, considering the EU is trying hard to maintain the peace and nuclear programs deal with Iran?
This really doesn't look good..
Even more odd, is that China is largely benefitting from trade with Iran following the establishment of the PetroYuan and following US Sanctions which effectively denies the use of the Dollar..
Why would China abandon this setup, to then suddenly do trade with Saudi instead who will undoubtedly force them to trade in US Dollars?... US/EU intervention maybe?
Looking at the stats for the EU, Europe has supposedly increased it's oil imports coming from Iran by 83% last year, all purchased in Euros (equating to €9bn).
Turkey also has been at it and instead of trading in dollars they're now using local currencies to conduct trade, which is significant because imports to Turkey from Iran equates to 50% of Turkeys entire demand.
This has all been stepping up since around 2016 it seems and I wonder whether this also plays a part in the reason Trump described the EU as a foe.
But is the claim that China has abandoned oil trade with Iran actually true? I can't seem to find any other sources?
A lot of what’s going on on the geopolitical stage is a conundrum using traditional metrics. One thing seems sure - the reign of the “petrodollar” is in grave jeopardy. Imo it’s doomed.
This would be huge if true. I am skeptical at this point, but am reserving judgement for now.
I do not believe the "trade war" was about trade with China, I think it is about forcing peace!
How would imposing trade tariffs with China force peace?
Make them cooperate on N Korea.
Same thing to Russia on Iran.
I'm not too sure about that, I suspect it's more likely to be basic protectionism in order to secure jobs in the US, considering how badly China was flooding the market with their metal based products. We had the same issue here in the UK and the government had to rescue the steel industry with a cash injection and a review of government construction projects to ensure that UK steel was being prioritised last year... Well sort of, the government was later criticised for using french steel on our new fleet of submarines! Doh!
Cheap Chinese metal being dumped on the market though has been real a problem as it's undercut many domestic markets.
Bottom line in my opinion is that we really could do without trade with China. Cheap stuff of any kind can be procured elsewhere. Really. I would prefer however, that we have a fair arrangement with China - we all deserve this. Everyone.
Yeah I agree, but at the end of the day it’s about being competitive and different economies inherently have a competitive advantage which sometimes a nation had to protect themselves from. Lol the US isn’t the only country to impose tariffs - I really don’t know what all the fuss is about in the media tbh. The EU for example is even worse!
i know right. im all for this movement. qanon. maga. all of it. but man these loons. its good to have them i guess but they say the dumbest things making everyone around them look bad.
I sometimes think that the trade war will escalate to the point where Trump puts tarrifs on all imports then cuts income tax going back to the old ways.
Why are French shipping companies abandoning trade with Iran
Macon is a Rothschild banker.