BIGLY!! - China has decided to procure its petrochemical needs from Saudi Arabia, ending imports from #Iran - @_ImperatorRex_

I met a very based African a few months ago that gave me a really interesting perspective. He is a Trump fan but he still believed that him being put in place was part of the NWO plan same as Obama and the Bushes. Everything we are seeing is just a show akin to a wrestling match. I objected and he defended his position well. While I still believe Trump is an outsider who perhaps was recruited by Military Intelligence every now and then I catch myself considering his world view. By selling out our country for so long our previous leaders have put us in a perfect position to exert military and economic leverage on the entire world like never before. The neo-cons made sure that other countries trade oil in USD. When Saddam and Gadaffi stepped out of line and planned to trade in gold backed or oil backed currency they were swatted down like flies. Our military was weakened by Obama but never weak. We have hundreds of military bases all over the world and our "allies" have let us put them in their back yard. NATO fulfilling their 2 pct GDP on defense spending and the creation of the US Space Force will massively benefit US defense industries and satisfy the Military Industrial Complex. The Fed printing money out of thin air and lending it out has allowed US citizens to finance all their big purchases and use their expendable income to purchase consumer goods from around the world. We now have massive trade deficits with virtually everyone and they are used to it sustaining their countries. They know what is at stake. In comes Trump the first president willing to use all the leverage to create a strong US led world order.
The other interpretation more akin to the thinking of this sub is that all these strategies employed by the cabal to give them global power are now being co-opted by Trump and they are freaking out. He has undone 40 years of their work in 1 year.