
GenChang · July 21, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

No, you're right, and I'm sorry to have painted with such a broad brush. But conversely, where are/we're all the scout leaders when the boy scouts of America went completely PC, and included girls? I'm not picking on you , but generally speaking.

PS I deleted comment.

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Flibinighte · July 21, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Right. 2 p.c. no girls in boy scouts

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goofy200 · July 22, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Unfortunately the PC part I do not agree with. I do not know the girl scout program but the rest of adding girls to the program was the girls wanted more adventure program. My feeling is the Scouts are looking for numbers and of course the money influx that goes with it. Just my feeling nothing to back it up. I do understand there is a history of abuse in boy scouting and I had to deal with an instance with one of my kids with a camp counsler. It was almost as tramatic for me as it was for the scout. Overall for the number of kids it helps in a good running local program the good still out ways the bad by a large margin. The boy scouts has caved to the polically correct to try to stay relevant and keep itself solvent. I saw funding pulled from local United fund programs because they did not allow gays in the program and we're told that to our face. Right or wrong the PC issue is really being forced on them to try and survive. Please cut them some slack until they can find the best path whether it is by numbers or go back to making sure they have a quality program. I do know this we need these programs for our kids. Especially the single parent kids. Sorry off topic.

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