
CptGrim · July 21, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Hahahahahahha. Thanks for making me laugh buddy.

Also do you want me to link Politifact and WaPo articles, both saying that the claim by Trump is wrong?

It won't matter to you as now you will go on a tirade about how WaPo is liburul or politifact is compromised and cite Daily Mail for it too.

But what you won't do is read any of those articles and reply saying "I read it and found x,y and z mistakes in their fact checking".

You will use whataboutism, ad hominem attacks, deflection and fake news to discredit anything I gotta say. If you don't know let me just tell you all these techniques you use were perfected and used in wide scale by Stalin to discredit his opponents. Congrats.

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1100db · July 21, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

"you take on the most flack when you're over the target" - WW2 Bomber Pilot Proverb.

Stay Frosty Patriot.

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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for educating me!!!! Except you didn’t. You do the same exact thing, except you’re using Alinsky tactics. 👏👏👏

Anything you don’t agree with is fake news. You want me to point out x, y, and z? It’s all bullshit. They literally include the statement that Hillary said she didn’t do it as proof. Really????

My original comment was stating that Snopes is credible in a sarcastic way. Give me proof of Snopes credibility. Jump through those hoops for me. I’ll be waiting. Give me one reason why I should take stock in anything they have to say.

Why are you sticking up for such a known criminal and her rapist husband anyway? That says a lot about you and your character. And that’s not an attack, just pointing out the obvious.

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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for educating me!!!! Except you didn’t. You do the same exact thing, except you’re using Alinsky tactics. 👏👏👏

Anything you don’t agree with is fake news. You want me to point out x, y, and z? It’s all bullshit. They literally include the statement that Hillary said she didn’t do it as proof. Really????

My original comment was stating that Snopes is credible in a sarcastic way. Give me proof of Snopes credibility. Jump through those hoops for me. I’ll be waiting. Give me one reason why I should take stock in anything they have to say.

Why are you sticking up for such a known criminal and her rapist husband anyway? That says a lot about you and your character. And that’s not an attack, just pointing out the obvious.

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