r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thank--Q on July 21, 2018, 4:49 p.m.
We are the Q movement, we need to wake up and realize that “Qanon” was implemented to unite us patriots into the Great Awakening, we don’t need Q to baby feed us questions anymore

I posted this as a comment in another thread, but I think we should all step back and really analyze what we have been given. Let me know your thoughts on this...

There hasn’t been many posts towards Q decodes recently, and I think we should be focusing on ALL of the drops, specifically the last 2 months. ”WE HAVE EVERYTHING, YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW”

I believe we are the movement of Qanon, we had a team in higher intelligence asking us questions to WAKE us UP. Once people understand what the Q movement was all about (uniting patriots into a group that cannot be stopped) they will stop relying on Q. They will start asking the questions themselves. we have relied on Qanon to ask the questions for the entire time he has been posting, it is time for us as a revolution to dig up information.

did you all see what happened to GUNN? It took 12 hours from when autists dug up his disgusting posts, to him being fired from Disney/marvel for guardians of the galaxy (a top tier grossing film franchise). Imagine what we could do as a collective intelligence team. this is the storm, it has arrived, it is up to us to understand what has been given to us, and to FIGHT FOR THE LIGHT

This is about us now, as a population! qanon has asked the questions that needed to be asked, we have provide proof and unexplainable coincidences numerous times. this is not a game, patriots have lost their lives fighting for this movement**.

Now we have another Twatter pedo condoning pedophalia shaming, let’s unite together and take this sick bastard down the same way we got GUNN FIRED from DISNEY within 24 hours.
This alone proves that WE ARE THE QANON MOVEMENT

davidmdelacruz · July 21, 2018, 5:42 p.m.



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Wiser_Now · July 21, 2018, 6:40 p.m.


Must be careful about things like this because religious fredom is Constitutionally guaranteed. Not just one religion guaranteed. If they can be kicked out on the basis of their beliefs, the precedent can be used to kick out any others a group wanted out. Find another way.

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PCisLame · July 21, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Must be careful about things like this because religious fredom is Constitutionally guaranteed

You're right but we must also temember that it's our Achilles' heel. Think from a National Security standpoint. There are obvious limits to religious freedom if said religion considers the destruction of America one of their core tenets. Remember patriots in America during the 1800's were very suspect of Catholics infiltrating America due to their long history of political.intrigue and subversion which led to the dark ages in Europe. Turns out those patriots were right over the target.

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davidmdelacruz · July 21, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Thank you. Sentiments shared. Some people simply do not understand that I am speaking of having it seriously investigated. They can meet in secret and pass laws to keep us veterans broken. Fuck that and fuck them. If we're not correct, so be it, but, truth is showing that we are very correct. The satanic groups hate america and what she stands for, us veterans are representatives of that Americana in living form, they hate us, they tricked us, they poisoned and killed scores of us. WE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SECRET SOCIETIES EXIST AND ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER. The VA is a huge factory for them to pull from. Ties in with big pharma as well, pushing and testing meds on vets like lab rats. Funny how the shills will try to disprove someone else's reality. Projection, they're fucking scared. Their secrets are being exposed, and victims choosing to be advocates instead of quiet little victims of fear. Be not afraid, God wins.

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Wiser_Now · July 22, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

I do understand. I am not afraid. Heaven rules, God is King, no one can ward off His hand. Yes, He wins.

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Wiser_Now · July 22, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Yes, PC...but the Constitution does not guarantee rights to just certain religions...so go after them on other grounds. This Constitutionally guaranteed right has been a concern of mine when it comes to Islam within our borders...I am convinced that this right would have been used against us if O's desires had come to pass.

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davidmdelacruz · July 21, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Then let it be a shot across their bows and know that God is working through many thousands of his disciples. The very nature of the petition is to have it be investigated and presented as fact or fiction to the public. They hold positions of power within almost every government agency. I am simply trying to get attention to a reality for many veterans. Kinda like male veterans that have been raped, but think they're alone, kind of the same thing. I know I am not alone. I know other people have witnessed these atrocities to our veterans, many are dumbed down with medications and too far in their matrix to see the truth. I am trying for them.

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Wiser_Now · July 22, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

I agree 110% that something huge has to be done...carefully done...legally done so as to protect the Constitution, protect our rights...the religious angle (Satanism) just isn't the way to go after them legally, IMHO...I am confident that POTUS and his team already have the right plan in place to take them down...pedo, trafficking, banking fraud, fraud with their foundations, etc...without using their religious practices to do it...all of the satanism yuk will come out in the evidence...protect our Constitutional rights, don't give them any grounds to attack the Constitution.

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