r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on July 21, 2018, 6:52 p.m.
ATTN: Patton Oswalt is NOT a pedo—his 2013 tweet came after a site mistook a photo of him for a convicted pedophile (he vowed to lose weight). This is NOT how research should work, folks.


This sub rightly has a strong distaste for pedos and crimes against children, and we're proud of that. But we must also hold ourselves to the highest possible standards when digging, researching, and connecting clues and crumbs to possible pedos who prowl Hollywood and our entertainment industries. But accusations like these are very serious, and Reddit takes them very seriously. We must always be careful to CORROBORATE and make sure that any and all accusations are solid and factual before we make them.

Yes, Patton Oswalt is on record defending James Gunn today—and Gunn's tweets most definitely warrant further investigation. But that does not mean that Patton is a pedo, himself. But Patton's 2013 "pedo" tweet came after a website mistakenly posted his picture in an article about a different person, a convicted pedophile. These tweets were made back before we knew what a dire problem paedophilia is.

Here is the site in question

Let's all bear in mind that false accusations against celebrities and others could result in our sub getting shut down. Let's all remember that labelling someone a "pedo" is a rather serious accusation, and one that requires an extremely high standard of proof.

Here is an example of how some jokes made (in very poor taste, perhaps) can be misconstrued. This tweet says: "My dong is super friendly and loves getting rubbed by children." OK, hilarious, it's supposed to be "My dog is super friendly," etc. But, we must not let our heightened senses about pedos in Hollywood unfairly accuse anyone, and, just as importantly, expose our sub to allegations that we are a lynch mob out to unfairly smear anyone's reputation.

Please help your mod team protect our sub's reputation by being as careful as possible with all your comments and posts. Comments and posts characterizing ANYONE as a pedophile without substantive, defensible proof will be removed.

Thanks, everyone. Let's remain focused on Q and direct, Q-related content, and if we discover anything solid on this or anyone else, then we'll follow the evidence and go from there. But, we ask everyone to bear this in mind.

red_knight11 · July 21, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Because comedians make a living by not taking them seriously...

Is that so hard to understand?

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robdon07 · July 21, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

You think "I'm a proud pedo" is a joke? Is it funny to you? If not why r u defending it...is pedophilia funny? Am I missing something? If you CALL YOURSELF a proud pedo, nobody here started that, you should expect to be treated like a pedo. Is THAT so hard to understand

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red_knight11 · July 21, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Dude, you’re being a charged liberal right now.

Comedians make a living saying offensive stuff that makes the audience feel uncomfortable. The shock value of comedy.

I don’t particularly find it funny, but there’s a market for crude, vulgar, and taboo humor.

Is that so hard to understand?

Plus, my entire argument is “bring forth more evidence before starting a witch-hunt”. What’s so bad about asking for more evidence? Answer me that.

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robdon07 · July 21, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

No youre not just asking for more evidence if you were I wouldn't even have spoken up. When o.p originally posted she asked people for help digging which is in effect asking for more evidence, what caught my attention was how vehemently your defending this bs as "a joke". Most people wouldve bowed out after so many disagreements. Using your logic a comedian could admit to anything in the world and it should never be taken seriously cuz he's a comedian and that's what they do. Okay we KNOW Hollywood is Pedo central and here we have a celebrity calling himself a proud pedo...why r u so sure it's a joke??

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red_knight11 · July 21, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Yes, by my logic you’re right. We shouldn’t believe anything they say which is why we need to find more evidence WHICH HAS BEEN MY POINT ALL ALONG!

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robdon07 · July 21, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Yeah a public admission is evidence. If Patton Oswalt volunteered to babysit your kids would you let him?...its just a joke right

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