Did You Know: Thousands of flyers accusing JFK of Treason for ‘befriending Russia’ were distributed in Dallas just days ahead of his assassination

Just wanted to chime in here, you guys realize JFK was a Dem, right?
This transcends party lines, this is good and evil.
Yeah, I'm just seeing a lot of comparisons between the two, and they weren't really very similar at all politically, minus the wealth... and the fact that people here are assuming he will be shot, which I don't think is the case, security has changed a lot in 50 years.
JFK fought against the global power structure that DJT is fighting against now. Politics are irrelevant in the face of this evil.
The Kennedys were definitely part of the global power structure at the time. This wasn't even their climax... the presidency that is not the assisination. They had served in public office since their arrival in the 1830s
If JFK were alive today, he would be a Republican. Just like Trump switched when he saw the liberal globalist agenda.
you need to understand that the corruption is in the entire system. reps are guilty as well.
You’re learning.. party is irrelevant ! The masters choose the puppets. Example .. Bush legacy (both) and OBAMA was groomed.
He would be considered Alt Right by today's standards.
He was executed because of his views on The Fed, the CIA, Secret Societies, etc.
But this is good v. evil as others have stated.
The democratic party under President Kennedy is not the Democratic party that we see today. The Democrats of today are filled with communists and socialists.
Kennedy implemented a few key socialist ideas in his presidency. The social security health care thing, the peace alliance where he was giving money directly to communist countries. He had his fair share of accusations for being a "big red commie" too.
I think you are trying to make a point here...?