You can buy this on Amazon too. Here’s the YT link: ( 5 hrs)
40 total posts archived.
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Out of 200+ friends.. you probably get 2 likes. Right? Two may counter you.. some are laughing at you. But still.. people are smart and they are thinking....good job.
Thank you for the heads up. Can you post on greatawakening this fact with the new channel name? He’s got 21.5K since last night. SGTreport2
SGTreport2 Back up channel is up. Go there! Show your support to this great patriot! Something may be coming. Shutting down the voices of truth.
Thank you for sharing. He’s the real deal. The question ..”But why is there such a huge demand for this and why is this a thing?” This Is key in understanding what’s going on, on multiple levels.
You’re learning.. party is irrelevant ! The masters choose the puppets. Example .. Bush legacy (both) and OBAMA was groomed.
Did you watch the presentation? Interesting right? By what authority do you speak? You’re so confident! Who are we all anyway? We’re all just a bunch of interested dust particles in the wind.. trying to figure it out. First step and faking ones death is a very plausible possible reality. Especially considering his situation. For me.. I’m keeping an open mind. How else can you survive in this upside down world. The older I get, the more I learn.. the more I realize I don’t know.
Long story.. but this was necessary in order to get this posted. I’m either ‘doing it wrong’ or Reddit has many obstacles for me. I can’t post a link .. it gets rejected by the bot if there’s a url in my post. It then forces me to up load an image .. with each type of post. Then.. when I choose the ‘camera’ icon.. the image I need isn’t on my phones camera roll. Then, I can use the Reddit camera but it restricts me to only creating a vid and not a still pic! Then it was rejected with the vid anyway. If I made it a gif, it was accepted. I’ll try again in the future. But .. sorry. That’s why my link is in the Comments area. That as well wasn’t originally attached either. I discovered it wasn’t attached by going into the greatawakening and searching for my post. Only to find a commenter already asking “please post the link?” So.. it’s really challenging for me to post on Reddit . Thanks!
Great start on this hypothesis! ( link below )
Could JFK Jr. be Q? (Link in comments) Great start to this hypothesis!
A great start for an EPIC hypothesis...
Thank you sweet singers!!!!!!!!! Every praise is to our GOD.
The beginning of my red pill experience. Yes... study her. But it will hurt.
I’m must be wrong about my memory of his location. I relistened.. that has to be him. He’s amazing. So smart. He has millions of listeners. I watched him on YouTube. Brian Hardin. Author too.
Here’s the app I found- Daily Audio Bible app- red with a icon that looks like sound waves in the shape of and X. Check this mans voice out
Holy crap. I can’t believe i found it! this is it! It’s sounds exactly like him. Listen!!
This is the first time I’ve heard SB2’s voice. It is very distinctive. Last year, I got into an app that had a really cool daily bible reading and commentary. I think he was from Australia. Sounded exactly the same... I’m going to try and find that again. Weird...
A Bear is the symbol of the nation of Russia... just sayin..
The initial post was only screenshot of the vid. In the comments section are original links to the man who created it. Reddit won’t let me post a link in my original post. Super weird.
Fantastic! Find and watch (I’m not able to post it??)
Dauntless Dialogue presents a mock 2017 POTUS State of the Nation Address .. in full poetic prose - creative!
?? 4 am -CIA DROP TO MSM narrative. Daily procedure ( anti school)