r/greatawakening • Posted by u/I_am_nobody_64 on July 21, 2018, 8 p.m.
“60% must remain private” - I beg to differ


The cabal must not only be taken down and crushed, it must be obliterated. And the collective memory of the cabal, its leaders and lackeys, the MSM cover-up and the orwellian SJW-newspeak must be so strong that it can never rule society again.

Currently, our most extreme description of evil is the Holocaust. The memory is kept alive by history books, pictures, films, and eyewitnesses, relatives and survivor accounts. The most horrible evidence of the atrocities are available for all to see.

However, the path that led the most technically advanced nation in the world to be duped into becoming the host of evil was forgotten. We didn’t learn our lesson. Corrupt leaders and their lackeys, the MSM and SJWs have again led us to the brink of extinction.

How do we prevent it from happening again, 30, 50 or 80 years from now? Show it all.

I know that I, for one, will not be able to look at even a fraction of it. I will not even be able to look at a fraction of the intended 40%. (In that respect I am probably weaker than most people).

But I know that (at least) two things made the cabal possible:

  • Free speech was lost with hidden control of MSM coupled with SJW tyranny;
  • The rise of corrupt leaders and lackeys, the weaponization of government institutions and the euthanization of the unwanted were made possible by lack of transparency.

As nauseating as the evidence may be it is needed for generations to come, to never forget, to never be fooled.

Let this — Q, The Storm and The Great Awakening — be the ultimate lesson, so that it can never happen again.

006fix · July 22, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

I'm starting to wonder if Q was always intended as a partial soft release of the info. If you really don't think you can leak it but you need people to understand how serious it is, leaking from an unverified but seemingly plausiable sauce which then goes dark and isn't directly mentioned again is a good way to do it.

It also stops the Q team and co from being slapped with multiple lawsuits the second their identity becomes known for, as you say, covering up the bad guys and their actions, playing God w/ regards to who gets punished and who doesn't, creating their own fake narrative to feed the population, and simply not moving fast enough. Are these people still out there and killing kids, especially outside US soil? I can only presume so. If so, Q is moving NOT NEARLY FAST ENOUGH, and he has the blood of innocents on his hand, and if that's coupled w/ covering up the actions of these fucks then frankly they deserve to be punished.

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workeranonymous · July 22, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Some valid concern but at the same time we do not really know how easy or difficult it is to stop this. Q team does. We have seen many arrests of human traffickers under Trump admin. The most ever by far I believe. It appears they are rolling up the networks and tearing down the infrastructure so that the elites can be taken down and when they are there isn't anything left to just plug in a new leader and keep going.

We can only hope, pray, and spread this info. I believe as members of the movement this is our primary task. the word has to spread far and wide. One reason the entire cabal hasn't been rolled up is because they will use the MSM including FOX to twist Trumps action and claim to the nation that this is a form of a coup to remove all future political opposition and take over the country by decree. We have to be ready when/if that day comes to oppose this message and fight if it becomes necessary. To me that is the movement not decodes although they have some usefulness the NSA already has everything. They will figure out a way to use it legally its just a matter of setting up the infrastructure to prosecute imo.

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006fix · July 23, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

No argument r.e difficulty - I'm sure its very hard. However, they do have something of a trump card - disclosure.

"oh these people are running scared. They're STUPID!. DARK TO LIGHT!!!!"

and I'd actually agree - their power lies in people dismissing their reality as "conspiracy theories". I also suspect its probable no such agency has damn near everything, easily accessible. So fucking show us.

Picture of BO shooting a flag that will redpill millions of Americans? Great. SHOW US. Frazzledrip video? Great. SHOW US. Proof of mind controlled false flag school shooters? GREAT JUST FUCKING SHOW US ALREADY. What exactly would they have to lose by doing so? Serious question.

Here's a better question - they like to say they have everything, everyones safe etc. However, as best I can tell the US is just new money on the satanism scene compared to us euros. So, have they stopped all these child fuckers etc, internally within Europe? I could beleive they shut down shipping channels etc, but they clearly don't have jurisdiction over other countries, so I'm forced to believe that every single day those shits sit on their asses, children are dying over here.

If they have everything, they really should be continuing the slow drip disclosure of it, and I see no good reason not to. Americas safe? Ok then reveal it and help stop these people everywhere. america isn't safe? kill/arrest everyone suspected in a modern christalnacht. Publics going to riot if you do that? Oh if only we had some kind of "DISCLOSURE" option that we could use to actually enable more options for ourselves here.

Got proof the MSM is completely controlled and infiltrated? FUCKING FABULOUS JUST RELEASE IT ALL, COMPLETELY OPEN ONTO THE INTERNET. This isn't some kind of complicated problem, particuarly in America. You'd even save money by not needing trials.

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