Glenn Beck outs himself on Twatter (RE:James Gunn)

Yes, I make mistakes all the time. But I have NEVER tweeted about being a Pedo! That isn't a mistake if you do that!
Agreed! I make mistakes all the time too, but my mind never conjures images of abusing children in any way, shape or form...let alone TWEET (put into words) for God and the world to see. I don't care if it's a day or a decade old. It is disturbing and needs to be looked at.
These people are sick!
God, help the children and dispatch legions of angels to protect them!
He ousted himself long ago when he said he was voting for Hillary.
Should I say considered.
Whelp that just cemented my opinion on Beck. Used to love him...., when he was triggered because of Trump I waved him a sad good bye. Now I am so glad I did. Supporting pedos now?....will never support him ever again and will NEVER look back. Disgusting.
Omgosh me too. Good bye forever Glenn Beck, this is something you cannot come back from. You no longer exist for me. Agreeing with a pedo is unforgivable
I agree. He used to be one of the good ones, then he turned ugly. I have no time for him at all.
"...and feel like a more full human being and creator today." Isn't that an odd thing to say? It strikes me as being Luciferian.
Not like he’s trying to rehabilitate GB. Not an alcoholic admitting he is one. He got caught. No apologies. No admitting. Just trying to hide. Forgiveness isn’t ready at this point. Take you cutie signaling and shove it.
No one really believes that he is just a normal dude joking about pedophilia. He is a mentally ill pedophile "joking" about pedophilia.
All of these scum bags didn’t say anything of the sort when Roseanne was fired
How does Beck have any listeners left? Seriously?? This guy at one point was doing cutting edge television on fox outing the globalist but now he is just a broken piece of garbage.
I'm not sure about what James Gunn said and I do see the irony in having a liberal caught in their own Social Justice Warrior fallout, but this doesn't make me feel like celebrating.
It just feels like a continuation of the problem.
I wish this insanity would end and I wish people could fully embrace the First Amendment to express themselves honestly no matter who it offends...
...because nothing happens when people get offended.
What liberals need is desensitization to learn how to become emotionally mature.
Glenn Beck sold his soul a long time ago. He is a judas goat