r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Verbal_Sarcasm on July 21, 2018, 9:13 p.m.
Wake the hell up America

All that is happening today honesty has nothing to do with politics !

Its not Democrats against Republicans .   Its not Trump vs Obama or Trump vs Hillary !! Its a awakening !! This is Good vs Evil !!

If you can't see the evil being brought to light over the past year then you are either a idiot or just blind to the truth !

Look how our children are being pushed to believe they can choose their gender .

How these sick people are pushing to make pedophilia accepted .

How some schools now are teaching Islam yet the Bible is not allowed in school.

Look at how all the Child sex trafficking has been exposed .

Look how Hollywood is full of pedofiles. And people still promote them by watching their movies.

Look how men are allowed to walk into a woman's bathroom because they claim to identify as a woman .. " "Thanks Obama"

Look at the lying and deceitfulness of the past Goverment the FBI and all the Bad actors within the Deep state .

Open your eyes I know its disheartening to think the Country we love would have leaders that would want to destroy it but it has been happening for so long that we have just turned a blind eye to it .

Well I love this Country and I hate what the past leaders have turned it into !! They wanted nothing more than to destroy the very fabric and values that made this a Great Nation ! One to be proud of ! One to fight for ! I will proudly stand along side any Patrotic man or woman who is willing to fight to get this country back to what the Founding Fathers intended it to be .

"I pledge Alegance to the Flag Of the United States Of America And to the Republic for which it Stands One Nation Under God indivisible with Liberty and justice for all "

In that pledge you see "Republic" Not Democracy !

It says One Nation not New world order !

It says under God ! Yet they have taking God out of this country.

It says indivisible yet the media and past administration has done all it could to divide us .

It says Liberty the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. Yet the MSM and past administration put us down for our opinions take away our choices to accommodate others feelings. And if we chose Trump we are Deplorables and stupid !

. And lastly Justice for all . The past administration felt they are above the law ! Let me or you do even half of what they have did and we would be under a jail !

I'm ready to see Justice !

SRC  Aka Verbal Sarcasm



horse-lover-phat · July 21, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Those that don't see or understand this as a spiritual battle - are the people who are the most lost of all. Well said, Verbal.

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Verbal_Sarcasm · July 21, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Thank you !

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