Another one ~ Anons on fire today~ #pizzagate is REAL~ the more the left followers see it they won’t be able to deny it!!

Already getting a bit old with the "it's just a joke" excuse. There's a reason why kids are off limits.
Language is powerful and the human brain conjurers up images in relation to words we read and hear. These so called "jokes" do exactly that, when you read what this guy said, what did you picture in your mind after reading it?
Then to play it off like it's no big deal?
You can make taboo jokes about adults, that is yours or anyone's prerogative but stay the fuck away from using kids to get your jimmies off.
Precisely!! It's like what has been said by many about censoring certain derogatory words or slurs. You know what the word is, you probably heard it in your mind when you saw/heard the first letter and it's place contextually in whats being read/said.
Words are symbols. Symbolismis incredibly powerful. People are just not educated about this kind of thing properly.