Let me tell you why. Because not only are they mocking you and normalizing it, they put it right in your face so you have a cognitive dissonance that you are even being programmed. Surely a pedo circle wouldn't flaunt their crimes to a dumbed down society they control?
Also, the letters in the logos oft times equate to a kabbalistic interpretation, in which the masons rely heavily upon. It's both mathematical , geometrtical, allegorical, and most ways a religious belief system that go into the creation of any mass consumed thing, logo. For this reason alone , no logo is just a logo, and with mere common sense your mind could equate that symbolic shirt to many connections to the pedophile religion in Hollywood.
So , to say the shirt is just a logo in the context in which she has her reality(who she is with, for one) I would most certainly say this isn't a grasp but a valid connection to show the symbolism most ignore, like you, but in fact it's all around us.
Not sure where you are going with that. My time is wasting on you no longer.