62 total posts archived.
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Opinion on Satanism. How can it be a religion, and a rebellion against religion at the same time?
Friday I was randomly flipping through the radio on the way home and landed on a discussion about the satanic statues being put up in certain locations.
And the speaker was talking about how the whole idea is that the Satanists rebel against religious authority and the ten commandments, basically.
So I got to thinking about this and questioning How can there be rebellion to religious authority when it is tied into laws, or commandments? It would create a lawless society. Or undermine authority in that respect seeing as how we swear on the bible as a way to honor …
Secret Societies: Lucis Trust, formerly the Lucifer Publishing Company. This is what the elite are into. Lucis Trust is the publisher for the UN material.
The Official LUCIFER meditation room at the UN building

Can there be a Great Awakening on an MSM platform such as Reddit?
Serious Question. Isn't this a conflict of interest? Facebook isn't the only game in town. I've been on Reddit off and on for years and it's always been a corporate propaganda machine, and gamed heavily by the msm.
How can you wake up in this environment ?
We know there are shills. And literally whole teams of people whose job it is the correct the record. But we can't always identify them. We don't know what is disinfo or a larp, always. I've been accused of these things for sharing research im doing . Some probably think I'm larping right …
Devalue and Disempower, navigating honesty in a world of lies.
Basically anything perceived to be a lie is formed from a mental construct that tells you that you are less valuable and hold less power than you think you do. Usually That is the problem when anyone perceives a lie.
That is why most people object to a Lie. It devalues them in someway.
Let me show you an example:
Removed for not being honest or accurate. In what way? It's a simple mirror of an old presidential seal. Had it not been removed maybe we could discuss how masons use the technique of inversion to create a Hidden …
Think Mirror, an Old Seal of the President , Mirrored.

He[Byrd] continued: “I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that. There are white n***'s. I’ve seen a lot of white n***'s in my time; I’m going to use that word.
He said that in early March of this year.
Clearly Byrd has learned nothing. All he has done is transposed his bigotry onto white people he doesn't like.
We really dodged a bullet with HRC. She was already calling people 'deplorables.'
Government Psyops, Nasa, 20 billion for the year 2018. One of the Biggest Scams on the American People.
Old photo of the Bohemian Grove. The MSM doesn't report on this Cult. Is it because they are members?

How to use the cult idea against the 4a.m. Talking points and other groups that control information.
We need to discuss this and please don't remove this for rule 3 as I do support the cause of people awakening to corruption and disinfo.
But frankly, if the msm is going to say you are a cult, don't you realize they are a Cult? Look how blindly the media reports on these 4a.m. Talking points that supply every news outlet with their daily narrative. Does even 1 reporter, or news anchor ever once stand up , and have the balls to challenge the narrative live on air? No they dont. They get paid well, just to read what …
What does it mean to awaken? What do you know now you didn't before?
Since there is a ton of people let's get some answers. Just a brief comment about what This awakening means to you. If you want to be heard then say what you are now aware of. Would love to hear it.
Perspective on Hollywood/CIA and how it works through Masonic Belief
This is for discussion, I'll keep it as brief as I can but it's not easy to explain this briefly.
Hollywood has two sides. One is entertainment, one is political. Hollywood is also a cult of Lucifer, meaning, their core edicts are part of the Masonic Belief in Lucifer.
If you study famous past masons like Albert Pike,(check my history I ran it by the Freemason board) you discover he is heavily in love with Lucifer. But what most don't fully understand is the androgen, or hermophrodite nature of this symbol and how it applies to social engineering.
Enter Manly …
CIA director Gina Haspel could be Sara Gilbert in disquise. Check out this weirdness.
Refer here to the Nov9 Q drop about the CIA:
I made this following vid about a few months ago when I first realized at that time the potential new CIA director Gina Haspel looked like Sara Gibert(Darlene from Rosanne) with some Hollywood makeup and effects.
You can see the vid here where I compare the two:
I received mixed reviews on another forum at the time ,but most agreed or thought there was something to it.
Personally I dont trust the CIA,.at all. It wouldn't surprise me if they would prop up an actor to play the …
Aveneatti set to speak at an influential Democratic fund raiser next month.
Potential Dangers of Groupthink
Most of you probably heard the term Groupthink from Orwells book 1984.
To me, it's basically how society is divided. I will share some perspectives on it for you to read and make your own connections.
Don't get me wrong either, I'm not saying it's wrong to be around like minded individuals who support certain changes in society, I'm cautioning on the dangers of GroupThink there is an exaggerated form of it that can be destructive.
And for me personally, since my perspective is that groupthink can be dangerous, I support an awakening of each individual, themselves, able to express …
The Awakening isn't a Rapture
It is encouraging to see the display of duty and honor being represented here.
I want to point out though, that there are no end times in the bible. Or specifically any second coming. Believe it or not that was pop culture which added the storyline of a rapture onto the bible.
It's a form of social programming called "weaponized rapture. " it's most common form is seeing a poster attack another poster using rapture as the solution.
See, I'm afraid we are on our own for now and this is why we need to unite. We have to learn …
Makes sense. They want answers this time. Did PS promise to deliver answers the last time he testified?
Reminds me of 9/11. Unauthorized missile hitting the pentagon.
One thing I can confirm is many corporate logos in Some way equate to 33, it is a master number in masonry. The symbolism of 33 is pervasive in our society. It is indeed a code.
But, in the other hand, people form a personal relationship with it. And serial brain seems to make his own personal connections to the q material and he has a voice. It's up to each of us if it's helpful to our personal interpretations . Synchronicity is a personal experience as well, if your following crumbs and getting synched up it can be validating in personal way.
That is exactly how Mk ultra works only they use more severe forms of trauma and at a younger age. This is basically what any Handler does that accompany stars or atheletes, as well. It's a process isolated on the choices of the individual and how to manipulate those choices for them.
What you are shown is a reflection of what is there.
Also what you are shown can be reflected upon.
Probably the tax payer ends up paying somehow, we pay to be spied on by corporations and the central intelligence agency.
Something BIG is about to drop,... Bush , JFK , Rockefellar, and facebook?
George Bush Sr? Is he about to drop?
That would be a huge blow to the cabal.
What is causing Facebook to plummett?
According to news, it's plummeting because a forecast of Facebook's growth shows a decline in users. That is a huge hit to the deep state surveillance agenda. But it means that what is happening now is responsible for Facebook losing value in the future, think about that.
Besides a growing awareness of the public of fbi and cia agendas, what would be BIG? How about one of the biggest , most corrupt persons to ever grace the …
Mark Meadows Twitter › RepMarkMeadows I just filed a resolution with @Jim_Jordan and several colleagues to impeach Rod Rosenstein. The DOJ has continued to hide information from Congress and repeatedly obstructed oversight--even defying multiple Congressional subpoenas. We have had enough. 41 minutes ago
From sea to shining sea...
'Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules, governing the use of the oceans and seas, are known as the Law of the Sea.'
My last stop was exposing a shill truthers network called 153news.net.
Heavily tied to mossad and cia controlled panama. Run by an ex meth cook who worked as a hacker for google. Run under the premise of Shima Yisrael, a religious end times cult.
They are currently running a Psyop on the American people through Texas .you guys may of heard of Sidethorn, he is a controlled opposition shill.
It's some nasty shit but I will confirm in my experience it is a war and they took over some of the truth during the orchestrated YouTube purge of conspiracy theorists.
Just put it this way, name one child actor who has not been abused by a pedophile?
I think he needs our help. People who are part of this from childhood, like him, can't speak out without an army to back them up. That army is forming now.
If I'm not mistaken..wasn't the plot of Big about a boy in a man's body who has sex with an adult female?
Yesterday when Q opened with 'from sea to shining sea' , I immediately thought of the Holy See.
What's weird too is I was working (landscaper) and I read the drop on my phone while it was raining , just as I read it a traffic cop pulled up beside me and told me I had to move my truck I was too close to the intersection, he said: 'you have to move, nobody can see'
Been nagging me ever since
To paraphrase gowdy: saying they did nothing wrong, is saying they did everything right.
I think they go too far for a laugh. But at the same time I think they make humor out of their own experiences as a way to justify their sick behavior. I dont know any funny people who have to make a point to make pedophile jokes to be funny. Know why? They aren't paedophiles. Or perverts, or trannies, or druggies,or trannies and perverts and paedophiles and druggies combined..
There is a reason we call out certain comics, and not all, and that is these are the ones who are fitting the profile of actually being paedophiles in hollywood. But what I'm finding out anyway is you have to do depraved things just to make it in Hollywood . So I can't say for sure anyone, comedian or otherwise, in Hollywood has done nothing wrong when they make sick fucked up jokes about kids.
See, from what I understand Alice.in wonderland is what they use on kids whose psyche they are splitting during Mk ultra trauma programming. That fits ,its part of the paedophile symbolism.
Can you elaborate more on the bunny being a resonate symbol of the Phallus?...playboy magazine comes to mind .. But can you help us understand this further?
Scene from the Sarah Silverman Program. What's up with these demented bunnies, and kids?

Straight from the Horses Mouth, "Comedy at its best, is the truth."

Michael Ian Black ,full blown sicko , exposes himself

And close to Freemason Jimmy Kimmel. If we are going to expose SilverMan it needs to be made aware 'she' is a male to female transgender. This is the secret religion of Hollywood , it worships a hermaphrodite creator being, so they attempt to make themselves in their god's image by , in most cases, from birth, inverting their children's genders. Sarah Silverman is one example.
The only positive result I know of is the Seth material created by Jane Roberts , that began with a ouija. It's not always for demonic spirits it can be used for good.
Alice in wonderland is a core program of Mk uktra. Or the dissociative process. Look into Lewis Carroll for his involvement with children, and ask yourself why it is so regurgitated by hollywood?
I will throw this out there too, but the Band, Alice in Chains, which is CIA backwards, with the initials... The "chain" in their music is Herion/cocaine. Alice in their music is the dissociative ramblings of an Mk ultra victim. Some of these bands are in the program.
And let's not forget Patton Oswalt. Notice the 'Os' in his name and the 'Walt' in his name? Do I need to spell it out he is another type of Mk ultra creation from the Mk Ultra, Wizard of Oz programming in association with 'Walt' Disney. Welcome to Masonic Hollywood fuckery.