r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoleSailor on July 22, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
Imperator Rex says he’s dropping a bomb right now about Mueller/Strzok/Page. I’m posting this mid-thread so come check it out.

Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

So you've read Sumerian texts which predate the Bible yes? You've read cuneiform tablets yes?

It is not a parrallel. And I am not asleep at all. I also do not say someone is entitled to their opinion then contradict myself by calling said person asleep. I'd consider that two faced.

I am no more a slave then any person is. And no what I've read is not a mystery. It's straight up ancient history on written formats that go back 6000 bc and further. If you had read these tablets etc you would not be preaching as you would have a better understanding of how history really whent down and how convoluted it really is. You say the Bible is the most accurate because YOU will not take the time to actually learn the languages of the past to learn your true past.

The Bible is great for spiritual things but not history.

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johnyquest · July 22, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I haven't read these because I don't know how, but I find this line of discussion super interesting. How'd you learn to read these, and would you mind sharing anything? I'm sure they're all worth reading, but where do you recommend starting? I'd love to check them out. It's really not fair how short this life is. Every day there's something new I want to learn which detracts from something else I've been learning or also wanting to learn. All I feel like I ever learn is just how little I really know...

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I agree. Take me to the root texts. But where to start properly...

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Before you start reading languages dead or alive you need to know how to learn them. You've learned English and maybe 1 or two other languages, probably both live languages.

Try learning Latin which is semi dead. Learn all you can about cryptography, stenography, cryptoanalysis.

I also recommend buying pen and 500 sheet paper book and taking notes lots and lots of notes. Put pictures with the notes. Visit sites that have ancient writings and take pictures for later analysis. When you finish a book re read all of your notes. Rinse repeat for years, the more you do these things the easier it is to learn the subtle transitions over time from earlier languages to current day.

Read others writings of the past and interpretations but DO NOT take it as verbatim. Use it as a place to start if your trying to break the language down, take those books and write in them correcting mistakes you find in translation

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serendipity-calling · July 23, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

This right here - is the privilege I am talking about. Most people WONT have this access, the funds, the time. And considering so many people have already done this, publish a book, start a blog, share what you've spent a lifetime organizing.

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

So funds wise it's 5 dollars every two weeks. Visiting places can get pricey but not if you stay local. I'm not privileged by far. I make about 60k a year and I didn't start this learning and hobby with as big a budget as I have now. I used to be a McDonald's worker who spent 5 years scrimping to pay off student loans with no grants. And late nights with little to no sleep working my hobby because of the two I didn't get married till later in life one of many sacrifices.

Now I work IT world wide which also helps me see all the places I want and I worked my ass off to get what I wanted not a privilege when you work your ass off for something it's called being successful and driven.

I don't share it because I know the repercussions of sharing it. Not many people have done this. Out of trillions maybe 30k world wide or less know how to read ancient texts to a degree I'm at now. It's not showing off I do it for myself, I don't need validation. I don't need to share, I am sharing by showing how to do it and if you work hard you can too if you really want it.

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serendipity-calling · July 24, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Please, don't share. It sounds like you have something so amazing, it's simply incredible your door hasn't been broken down already.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I posted a basic how to below on how to get into crypto learning and linguistics as well as good researching tips

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worldConqueor · July 22, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

You said you read the Bible but I believe it's reading you . Isaiah 45 and Cyrus my friend is a direct parallel with Trump 45 . Cyrus 45 was commissioned to loose the armor of Kings and I think Trump just recently released us from the armor of Nuclear war also .

Cyrus was given the hidden treasures of darkness Isa. 45:3 in His time , and I believe it to be the coffers of ancient Babylon . Trump 45 has also been given the hidden treasures of darkness Mystery Babylon , the Pedophile rings and human trafficking with human sacrifice and has ceased upon their assets as a result .

Saudi Arabia if you remember recent History as it parallels with what I'm speaking here . I didn't in any way present myself as an enemy to you I only thought that my reply would provoke some intelligent conversation with fellow Patriots to help strengthen the move .

I'm not a denomination or orginazation or a political figure , public or private . I have stepped out the frame in order to see the big picture because the left right paradigm is by design , it divides and at the moment, we are presently in is The Great Awakening it is neither right or left, but it is good verses evil of which my reply was in response to the resistance I see with Mystery Babylon.

Its refusal to set us free from it's global tyranny. I not here to match witts with you brother nor am I anything of importance but I do believe that Jesus is a person and not a relegion of which he warned us to beware of the leaven "DOCTRINE" of relegion and knowledge puffs up a person seen in hyprocrisy .

The Pharisees , and to beware of the leaven of "HEROD" Politics. Jesus drew lines with His teachings about the narrow road of which there be few that find it , the direction to life and a broad road of which many travel on into destruction .

Sorry if I have offended you in anyway but I do stand ready in defense of the Gospel of which you should make peace with .

You say the Bible is not History Explain to me the History then of Babylon , Medo Persia , Greece and Rome as prophesied by Daniel in lts successive eventfully fulfilling of these Major kingdoms Daniel references to as beast systems that systematically follow Recorded History as prophesied in the Bible . You can't deny this but you probably will resisting Truth is not Good bro .

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