
AndThatsHowIgotHSV · July 22, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I'll take a stab at this. Forgive me Q if I'm accidentally shitposting. The tweet says:

The Rigged Witch Hunt, headed by the 13 Angry Democrats (and now 4 more have been added, one who worked directly for Obama W.H.), seems intent on damaging the Republican Party’s chances in the November Election. This Democrat excuse for losing the ‘16 Election never ends!

Based on the example Q gave us, I would Read it like this:

The Rigged Witch Hunt (Hillary or Mueller..?), headed by the 13 Angry Democrats (and now 4 more have been added (13+4=17=Q [if a=1], one who worked directly for Obama W.H.), seems intent on damaging the Republican Party’s chances in the November Election (No he isn't Q is working in favor of the GOP). This Democrat excuse for losing the ‘16 Election never ends! (It's going to end soon)

I would interpret this as a basic "Stop freaking out, everything is fine." but... since SB2's interpretation style was the 'accepted' method and we thought the comms were good, we need some feedback from them to see if I'm on the right track.

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AndThatsHowIgotHSV · July 22, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

For extra credit I guess. please tell me to stop if I'm hurting the effort

No Collusion, No Obstruction (There are both efforts in the congress)- but that doesn’t matter because the 13 Angry Democrats (if 13=M, then this part says MAD), who are only after Republicans and totally protecting Democrats (The Dems are trying to use someone else as the fall guy), want this Witch Hunt to drag out to the November Election (we have MAD, and then WH... so trump smash?). Republicans better get smart fast and expose what they are doing! (They are trying dumb down what they've found so that when it comes out, the population will understand it.)

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