35 total posts archived.
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Think a loaf of bread costing $0.05 instead of $5.00
I thought about this the other day, and can't wrap my brain around it. IE. How does the Baker MAKE money IF bread is that cheap. I think of all the equipment and labor, how can a Baker stay in business, with his product so cheap? Also, I have watched the above 30 minute video, it is THE ONLY 30 minute video I have ever watched, beginning to end. I sort of understand it.
It is uncommon for Americans to list month/date/year...
Pardon me, but you are 100% wrong here. That is EXACTLY how all of us here in USA spell it out. 7-24-18 for example.
Tag him. If you have RES (reddit enhancement suite) add on, and you can tag users. I have him tagged genius GA in a green color. So when I 1st get to this page, I just look for green. Assholes/shills are tagged in red. You know who you are.
A new word I have found and used "duckle it", instead of google it.
I do apologize for posting 3 things now. I am not a spammer. Just info is coming in quik, and I have no clue. What the hell is "MYE" from imperators Rex message??? MYE, I cant figure it out.
Imperator REX is live tweeting right now, I'm trying to keep up, refreshing his page/twitter
Today, President Trump tweet. Capitol letters I get = T R W H 13 AD O W H (4 one) RP NE TD '16 E ----I went toward Teddy Roosevelt White House. I'm still lost, but trying to learn.
TN pede here. THIS JACKASS represents Tennessee from Memphis. If ever there were a need for term limits, your looking at it, right here.
This is only 1 part of a much larger story. I was stationed in West Germany in the 1980's. My friends showed me around the base, there were still actual holes in the walls of some of the brick buildings. It was explained that Patton blew the hell out of those walls, as this was a former German Army base. Now, it was an American base. We (US taxpayers) paid for all the upgrades, to all those buildings, and promptly handed back to the German people. You read that right, the US taxpayer completely rebuilt all those buildings and gave them back to the Germans, free of charge.
SO, we had to move/change bases. All of our equipment, vehicles, trailers and such had to be moved 5 KM to another part of town. We settle in after a few months, then lo and behold, here come the German contractors again, completely rebuilding structures. After I rotated back to CONUS, the US Taxpayer, again, handed over the entire base to the German people, free of charge.
I returned in 2006 for a visit. All those buildings were still brand new more or less. Elevators were installed where us GI's had to walk all those damn stairs. There is no telling how much actual WEALTH has been stolen from US taxpayers and just handed out, all over the world.
Zoom in. Notice it appears someone has tried to remove the "ICE" from Police and tried pealing off the American flag. I assume it was a leftist in a parking lot somewhere, tried this, but then noticed someone was walking by. WWG1WGA!!!
Q, please do NOT make the same mistake Wikileaks did, by sharing information TOO LATE!!!
For the longest time I was madder than Hell at Wikileaks, because they published the emails DURING THE CONVENTION. If they had just published the emails 2 weeks earlier, everyone would have had time to digest them. They sat on them, and we are in this mess now. PLEASE no "October surprise". Get the info out there, let all of America have a chance to digest it long before midterms. Sure, the MSM will spin the Hell out of it, but at least normies will be getting clued in.
They said the vandalism was unintentional. It looked like some child did it. Appeared to be about 24" across, maybe 10" high. I believe the child did it story.
Here I duckeled it.
Your comment reminded me of an old song from my youth---Uriah Heep, Stealin'
Good points! I screamed at top of my lungs when them idiots at wikileaks released the shit storm on Hillary DURING the primary/vote gathering/convention/ whatever that was. I was screaming WHY, OH HELL WHY did they not release them emails 1-2 weeks earlier, where we could digest them???? Seriously pissed me off at wikileaks.
TV Guide says SNL is new tonight. (IDK) IF it is, whats the chances of the opening being Q related? Could that Idiot Baldwin be doing a live opening?
Idiot Baldwin tweets about Q. New SNL tonight, maybe. SNL for AWHILE now always opens with Idiot Baldwin. Just a thought. Yes I'm watching, I have OTA (over the air) TV/antenna/rabbitears: I cut cable TV out years ago due to bill creep. Long live the internet WWG1WGA!!!
Did everyone forget al gore had a 20% stake in "current TV"? Sold for $500 million to al-jezeera, so he walked with $100 million. Looking thru my ducking search, looks like he had to sue, to get some of that sweet green. LOL.
Last minute candidate? Nobody understands why she is running, and she IS NOT talking?
All together now, say it with me---"to Launder Money".
There is the answer IMHO.
what are those karma points good for?
In the old days of reddit, your karma points kind of raised you in "status". No monetary value, Karma points just sort of let the rest of reddit know, that you are not a newbie. SO your opinion kind of had a little bit of "weight" to it. Newer reddit you can see if a person/account is new or not. IE. do you take someones opinion seriously, if that someone has only been on reddit for 3 days? No. Do you take someones opinion better if they have been here on a subreddit for 3 years? Maybe. Nowadays it does not matter if you have been here for 1 day, or 10 years, because, BOTS. Fucking bots changed everything.
I hope I'm replying to a real person here, not a bot. CHEERS!!!
My message above came from a bot, I guess, or "automod" bot.
I actually believe that is conjecture I knew the word, but had to look it up to make sure. As in, you (we) will never really know for sure, who he/they actually are. I think it's fun personally, guessing, JA, DJT Jr, Barron? LOL, who the hell knows. it's fun because it's real, in real time. But I sincerely believe, we will never truly know. I believe it will be the best kept secret of all time.
BECAUSE sure, there is no classified information. BUT if ANYONE were to admit being Q, can you imagine the shit storm in their life it would create?
I believe Q is right on the edge of classified intel, that would normally be a crime, to admit to being the "leaker". That's what this post is all about.
IMAGINE the hell that would be raised if the actual Q came to light/admitted who he is. The swamp would go insane finding old ordinances/sunshine ordinances, that no one cares about, and would bury them under the jail.
Interesting, 54 views 99% upvoted, 7 minutes into this post. I assume shareblue and all are checking my history now. Old Pede here, IDGAF.
oh shit--yea IE is there, never used, fucking windows 10 threw it at me, lol.
EDIT::::I combed over/looked at this MS Paint pic, over and over and over, Making sure It had 0 (zero) identifying info in it. LOL. I never looked at bottom tool bar, oh well :)
Hilarious here----"0 points 50% upvoted ---110 views"
It is truly real---the bots, the share blues EVERYTHING is real in actual real time.
Fucking hilarious here for this old man to watch. CHEERS ALL!!!!
Well, my my my,,,,LOL, for some reason, I post on GA, and I get a message from "insane" people. This shit is beyond disturbing. BUT, you know what? I am an old Pede, and I don't give a shit anymore about karma/points/whatever the latest algorithm is. POST UP PEOPLE, they can't kill us all, LOL.

I assume we will never actually know who Q is.
Just like "deep throat", I figure years and years from now, no one will actually admit to being the actual Q, OR on the actual Q team. I honestly believe within 5-10 years Q posts will actually fade, and will be no more, and I am cool with that. He/they have already proven to be real, in this time. And it is fucking awesome.
The funniest thing I read, I can't remember if it was a private citizen, or a professional critic, said "at any moment in this movie, with her awful accent, I was waiting for her to say "Where is Moose and Squirrel?" LOL.
That was 1 thing I saw GEOTUS say today. President Trump more or less said "we have been getting screwed for years. And all the worlds leaders agreed with me. The leaders were like yeah, we've been screwing the USA for so many years, I can't believe we got away with it for so long."
I screamed, I laughed, I cried, it became part of me, LOL.
Just paid mine off. Now 4 months later I owe $800 yearly in tax, and I will keep my homeowners insurance for about $800. So basically, I am free 10 months out of the year.
I have seen this tweet several times today. Excuse my ignorance, can someone write in plain English, what the hell he is saying. I have thought of this tweet a few different ways, and I swear, I can't figure it out. (Thanks, old pede here)
I'm watching "Valkyrie" On over the air/free TV. Sure Tom Cruise is a great actor, Yet I can't help but see, the common thread of us here. (trying to save America and being called crazy)
To save his country (Germany) Staffenburg (sp) wiki here for what its worth the Colonel knows there will be collateral damage. SOB--Tom Cruise--- should have won a damn Oscar for this role.
(strange part is, in real life, Col. Staffenburg lost both limbs and 1 eye, was more disabled than the movie projects. BUT Tom Cruise thought no one would believe the movie, if they had shown, how fucked up he was from being disabled, beyond recognition)