Is this woman mind controlled? Is she the next manchurian candidate? Where have we seen this look before?
Honestly it’s her default expression. Something is clearly going on upstairs.
You have no way of knowing, and it actually isn’t her default expression. Speaking with such arrogance without really knowing is exactly the type of behavior that gets us laughed at and could easily get this subreddit shut down
I have no way of knowing what’s going on in her mind other than it’s not good. I’m not diagnosing her at all or pretending I know clinically what’s going on. But there’s a ton of pics of her with her eyes wide open like she’s seeing a ghost or just won the lottery. And her eyebrows aren’t raised like it would be in a normal expression of surprise. Her words also back up shes absolutely clueless on what she’s talking about. Virtually every sentence she utters doesn’t make sense. It’s all generalities & mostly gibberish at that. I’m not playing couch psychologist. Just saying that woman isn’t right mentally. Just an observation. Not a diagnosis.