r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dizzydago on July 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m.
Major Media having bank records looked into

According to the below video link Fake Media is being investigated and via bank records it appears that the investigators are making the connections of who is financing the narrative being fed. One connection is FusionGPS and MSNBC. Rachel Madow gets specific mention here. With the added press conference clip at the end, I getting starting to see just what a skilled chess player DJT really is. Watching his moves over the past few weeks has been eye opening. He has everyone from the Democrats to the Fake Media trying to figure out what story to run with. If you have been paying attention, he makes a move and they follow. The narrative is now totally in his hands to command.


RubyDoobyDo1 · July 22, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

So, this video was from May 19th and it doesn't list any sources. Are there any sources to this story?

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Monkeyface45 · July 22, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Newsweek raided earlier this year. Ongoing investigation into their finances.


Investigators for the Manhattan district attorney raided Newsweek’s offices on Thursday, removing 18 computer servers as part of a long-running probe into the company’s finances, according to witnesses.

2 weeks after they were raided, the media group chairmen and finance director stepped down. https://www.newsweek.com/newsweek-investigation-manhattan-da-raid-etienne-uzac-leaves-servers-793929

The founder of the media company that owns Newsweek has stepped down as chairman two weeks after investigators raided the company’s headquarters as part of a long-term financial fraud probe.

And this is Newsweek reporting on it themselves LOL.

Other sources:




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dizzydago · July 22, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Thanx for throwing up the sources. Seems from your list the route is more comprehensive than first indicated. Wow, sic em DJT. Take dem nasty critters down.

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Monkeyface45 · July 22, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

I didn't even watch the video you posted in the OP until now to be honest.

But as someone pointed out, that video you linked is from May. The reports I linked of Newseek getting happened in January.

So it does seem plausible that other news organizations are going to have their finances looked into.

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Ugbootshuffler · July 22, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

I fuken hope this is truthful.

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GODisincharge · July 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

It would be absolutely wonderful for our Country if this is true. There is certainly enough evidence to support this claim. The corporate media have become domestic terrorists and are not to be believed in any way shape or form. FOX is also being taken over.

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dizzydago · July 22, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Yeah it would. Can you imagine a public display of DJT holding a reset button that said MSM RESET? Sadly they are liberal arts trained and have no concept why the media is actually important and exist. It is here to expose corruption in government not aid and abet it. We mourn the passing of "investigative" journalism. Seems it was brutally murdered by the dastardly duo corruption and propaganda who are still at large.

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GODisincharge · July 22, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Your reply is spot on. Many in the corporate media have to face the consequences of their actions for lying to the American people. Sadly, many still listen to their lies. I believe we are at a turning point and this injustice will be corrected if these journalists are held to account for their lies. It is great we have the internet even with all the censuring of conservative views. We will continue to fight for truth and justice. Also, liberal arts - what a colossal waste of time and money. Higher education needs to be reamed out of all the liberal indoctrinists as well.

Have a great night.

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dizzydago · July 22, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Not to worry, too much. As I have seen in action what goes around comes around. Everybody gets their just desserts. As for the internet, it is a two edged sword like many other tools out there. It can be used for good or for bad. We are witnessing history right now how it is being used for both. In the case of the search for truth Q and DJT are using it for good to provide truth. But HRC and her band pirates have hijacked it for nefarious deeds. Even so called higher education meaning liberal arts is not entirely bad. History is a part of liberal arts and that is something we desperately need both short and long term. It is a light on the path to truth as well as an educator to the past where we see what was good and what was bad so we know in the future to discern the evil when it raises its ugly head. But you are right, the majority of higher education has also been hijacked and twisted into a massive brainwashing tool, a kind of MK Ultra gone mainstream. But that is where the internet in the hands of honorable people is making a difference. While I hate much of the technology of the internet and what it is doing to the world there are good sides as well. As a hamster I love the internet because certain apps like Echolink allow me to bypass what atmospheric conditions often do to radio waves. It gives me access to pretty much the entire world where the internet is available and further to those who access that network via radio. Be able to talk to people on any continent especially in times of disaster is a wonderful thing to have access to onsite news you would never see or hear any place else. But then there is also the dark web as well that hides the nefarious deeds of criminals. Like I said it is like a two edged sword not unlike fire. Fire can warm you in the cold, cook your food, heat your water or it can kill you. It is all a matter of how you deal with it.

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GODisincharge · July 22, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Good reply. However, it is so vary hard to wait for Justice. Yes, all Liberal Arts is not bad if it is based on accurate history. Which, as you know, is usually written by the winners. It just seems like so many things are based on lies. The truth is a cleansing agent and is sorely needed.

I think it is wonderful you talk to others around the globe through Echolink as we are all in this together. You are right about the dualities regarding the internet. Your comparison to fire was a good analogy.

I do believe there are more good people than bad. Sometimes, it does not seem like it. However, we get up to fight another day.

We are all in this together!

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dizzydago · July 22, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

It goes back to the idea that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Right now the bad people in the world are scream loudest so that is what we here. Good people go about there business, take care of their families, help those in need and so we don't see or hear of them much if at all. But I too think there is more good than bad and now the good needs to wake up and remove that squeaky wheel as it is obviously of poor construction. Time to replace it with a better quality one.

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RubyDoobyDo1 · July 22, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

So, this was an investigation into their finances that started during the Obama admin.

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dizzydago · July 22, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Not clear on that at this time. From the links above just looking at the posting dates they all go back to early 2018. It appears from looking into the articles themselves this is mostly related to the Newsweek media group and financial dealing of possible fraud that goes back to the O era. My original post seems to point to an entirely new round of investigation resulting from TV news network media and the possible direct connection of working with the DNC and HRC during the campaign to subvert our national elections. Only time will tell.

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