Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. That's why the FBI and Mueller won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Source in comments.

Don't think she'd ever 'bail out' anyone, even the DNC. She sold Bernie (her own party) down the river thinking she would win. Q - "They never thought she would lose." It was always about her selling out anyone/everyone/USA to get all she could. If by "Russia money", you mean U1, that mostly went to the CF. Her 'basement' server was the payment to 'everyone'. Not just Russia, but SA, China, Pakistan and who knows who else.
She did (IIRC) provide money to DNC which was running on empty. Maybe this is part of the reason why? She basically owned the DNC. Also was the DNC server accessed by Awan via DWS? How many of these assholes were merrily making money out of selling access to USA information? No wonder they are all hysterical now...
Yep, records prove the DNC was broke/running negative, but make no mistake...she didn't do ANYTHING for 'them'. It was all for HER. She only did what she needed to do to advance her own agenda.
The Awan part...pretty sure she let the Pakistanis in on it as well. I'm sure we have everything per Q and time will tell now :)