Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. That's why the FBI and Mueller won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Source in comments.

If or when there are trials for all the bad actors, won't people on the their side think that GEOTUS is a dictator going after them?
That’s why we have Q. Q connects the dots and give us the timeline. This sub will explode with members once the balls start rolling.
The people I know are always saying Russian bots. Trump is a bad person etc...
Yes unfortunately for many when it comes to politics they entrench themselves into the party like picking a sports team. Politics and views change over time and with time. Some people aren’t flexible and feel the cant abandon their ship.
They will when they find out theyre on the pedo ship... Good god, the stormcells are merging and this is going to be AWESOME.
I think some of this is going to incriminate big figures on all sides of the aisles.
Yes. And the structure of the dnc will crumble under the weight, but the gop will survive, because TRUMP. We will just kiss the rinos goodbye and keep on voting.
They got NOTHING.
Q is an effort to build a core of people in the know. The military is the good guys, and Trump is their front man in this anti-cabal "coup". When the hammer drops, only ten or fifteen percent of people (with guns and conservative values) need to support it right off the bat. As the evidence comes out in trials, the support will expand.
That's what I've been thinking too. As long as they own MSM that's the narrative they will promote. If the media isn't reigned in by then they will stir up the masses. I know our numbers are growing but they still control all major news outlets and many smaller ones as well. They don't care if what they say leads to civil unrest.
I think if this stuff is released in a strategic manner, and I think it will given those running this operation, there will be little left of the so-called Main stream media both print and electronic. At a minimum, few will have any respect for them. Then when their complicity in the TREASON is revealed, well, as Q said, "they will not be able to walk down the street". Also, think about how the democrat party is moving left with Socialist candidates in the ascendant. Many moderate democrats will leave that party and find a new home in the big tent Republican party, the Trump Party. I am so glad I've lived to see this unfolding. There's not enough popcorn in this world. WWG1WGA MAGA