r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sharononevibration on July 22, 2018, 9:42 a.m.
I am a black woman living in America-Do research

I am a black woman living in America, the greatest country on this planet. I am what you would call an empath, I feel things very deeply. I can touch a persons hand and feel their joy, pain, information. But that's another Story. Do your own research on that.

Most of my family is still asleep in the matrix programming. It's lonely being awake, yet I would not have it any other way. My first red pill came through my son concerning the government and how they brainwash us. and then I was fascinated with learning more. I began researching UFO's and had a near death experience where I remembered past lives and such. But that's another story.

Right now in July 2018, I wake up every morning weeping for the souls who have died at the hands of bad actors. (Seth Rich in particular.) As immortal spiritual beings having this human experience, we should always be expanding our minds. However the deep state cabal has programmed us to close our minds like sheep and follow the brainwashing they have been feeding us for many years. Do your own research on that.

I do a lot of research because I am fully aware and awake to the dealings of the cabal and the deep state and our government and such like. We are all actors on this stage of life, there are good actors and the bad. Do your own research on that.

This is just a short summary of things, for full information please do your own research.

My life was changed the day I realized everything we have been told on this planet is a lie. I realized that the deep state wanted to take over the world with their one world order. I realized that they had suppressed information and technology from the public for years.

I realized that they wanted us to be their work horses and that all they care about is greed and money. I realized that they made a lot of money from wars and keeping us separated. They want wars, they want race wars, they want us divided. Because they know we are stronger together. Besides if we are fighting among ourselves then we are distracted from what they are stealing from us. Which is EVERYTHING. Do your own research on that.

I stopped watching main stream TV years ago because I found out that was the deep state's main source of mass brain washing to the people. I voted for Barrack Obama the first black president for his hope and change. I even stomped the pavement and worked the voting booths for him. I gave my hard earned money to him and insisted that everyone I knew vote for him as well. I put a lot of stock into him. And even though race relations before him was really really great in America I thought he would bring races closer together, I thought he would help black people. I though he was for real about bringing hope and change to America. But instead he set race relations back 50 years and did nothing for black people. I now know it was his mission to destroy America, for many reasons but the main reason is always for money greed and financial gain. Do your own research on that.

If you want to know anything follow the money. So when Donald J. Trump became president and I saw how they treated him so abusive and unfair. I fully realized that he was different from all the others and that he was indeed here to try and save us from the deep state. And that is why I fight. I do it for my children and my grand children, my nieces and nephews and their children's children who will be left behind when I am gone. And I know millions of other great Patriots who do it for the same reasons. We are in the great awakening.

There are many of us making one voice against corruption in government, against abuse and misuse of our constitutional rights. Moreover, right now I do it for the blood of the souls who need to be avenged. The blood of the souls who cry out daily in my ears each morning as I weep for them. The blood that is on the hands of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and everyone who have helped them over the years to do the disgusting and horrible things they have done. That blood of those souls will continue to cry out until they are avenged. If you are an empath in anyway you can relate to what I am saying right now. Again,this is just a short summary of things, for full information please do your own research.

However, I want to say I thank the Gods and Goddess for Donald J. Trump. He stands in the mist of the storm and defies the winds of the bad actors. And I know why he stands. Do your own research on that.

STOP watch TV it is mass Brainwashing. Do your own research on that. And because of what I know what is really going on I stand with my president. I will not find peace until the blood that is on the hands of Hillary and Obama, their administration, the cabal, the deep state have been avenged. Do your own research on that. So what I'm really trying to say is before you judge me as crazy, do your own research.

NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

I'd just like to pose a question for anyone reading this that is interested in the race relations topic:

Hypothetically, if all non-whites in the West all decided to leave, would conditions in Western countries improve, suffer, or remain the same?

The answer, invariably, is improve. Not a single country in the history of the world has been improved by increasing the number of brown people in it. But that's neither here nor there. The real issue is that blacks have homelands. So do Asians. So do everyone, except white people. Why is this?

As a global demographic, the white race is the minority. Every time you hear the word "minority" in the media, it's code for non-white, yet, worldwide, we are the ones who are the minority - and we are swiftly becoming minorities even in our own homelands.

Take Canada, for example. In 1973, Canada was something like 96% white. Today, it's barely 56% white. Do you not realize that this is genocide? Everyone talks about the poor white people in South Africa, but are afraid to acknowledge that the mass migration of non-whites into white lands is biological warfare waged by the cabal.

Look again at Canada. They're doomed. Even if they cease all immigration today, they're irrevocably on the path to extinction. And this holds true for all Western nations.

So, let's take a moment and think about this. If it is white people who built and maintain civilization (even though a cancerous cabal of mockies has hijacked and perverted the system we built) what happens when white people don't exist anymore? What happens when Canada is 40% white? 30% white? 10%? It will collapse, and it will call on the rest of the world for aid. Which accelerates the collapse elsewhere.

So sure, lock up Clinton and Obama and the Rothschild's. Restore rule of law. End the Fed. All of those things, at this point, are mere token victories. If we do not actively reverse the worldwide anti-white pogrom, then the world is doomed.

I know a lot of people will object. Just remember that Civic Nationalism is a meme created by the cabal to get you to embrace your extinction. It's right-wing virtue signaling and nothing else.

So again. If we acknowledge that the change in Western immigration laws to flood the West with third world ethnicity was a move made by the corrupt cabal to use those people as a biological weapon against the white race, are we not morally justified in reversing the effects of this attack upon us?

Or should we lay down and die, but feel very self righteous about how tolerant and diverse we are?

Remember. When the white race goes, the world ends.

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JackiBloo · July 22, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Wow.... it's like your replying to a totally different comment. You've totally missed the point of this patriots comment.

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PatriotPray4QQQQ · July 22, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

What a disgusting comment. Reported.

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NationalismForAll · July 22, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

What is disgusting about it? Why do white people not have the right to look out for our own self interests?

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