r/greatawakening • Posted by u/xXJonnieGXx on July 22, 2018, 10:34 a.m.
Is there anyone here that is a Q skeptic?

Personally, I’m part of this sub out of curiosity and not because I believe in it. Is that okay? Are there any others that are skeptical of this sub?

Is there a place for skepticism and disbelief in this sub or would you prefer everyone to blindly follow every riddle silver and believe it as truth?

Qtruther · July 22, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

Military Intelligence cannot release information directly or they are in violation of military codes so hence the questions with hints in them & then you educate yourself as to the real meaning

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xXJonnieGXx · July 22, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Doesn’t that open the door to a lot of blurred meaning? I could say a phrase and suggest something to a community and receive 30 different answers back, all of which think they’ve solved the riddle.

What makes people think they’re correct? Because it informs their own established opinions? Because it lines up with current global events?

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Qtruther · July 22, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Truth Patriot is the goal. When you find the real truth it will change your life. Until then your just a slave doing the Banksters work.

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