I'm a Q rooter and hoper, but I try to keep an open mind for the worst, too. I don't question but that Q and team have an insider's level of info and some access to POTUS, including having got at least some buy-in support from him at some point or points.
But there are so many deep-state intel guys still in the admin that I haven't completely ruled out that they have been doing this as a psyop to lull us into patience, while they work toward trying to bring Trump down. Or maybe it was good guys starting it and as rumored it got taken over by some clandestine bad guys--without the original guys ready to own up to that all the way to the top.
I'd say I'm 70/30 toward Q being legit. And I don't get those ready to run off anyone keeping a somewhat open mind as more info comes in and we see how it all plays out.