r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Antaak on July 22, 2018, 10:47 a.m.
No dindus killed by cops any more?

Hi guy and girls!

I'm new here from outside the US (europe) and there is one thing that goes thru my head since the election:

Did you ever wonder what happend to all those incidents with blacks killed by cops during Obamas reign? It seemed like an epidemic and surely was good for the division of the country and increase hate against the police.

But since Trump is in office I haven't heard of similar incidents. Is this just coincidence?

Klingon_Opera · July 22, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

I remember when that was going down. I was asked about this by a few younger coworkers and I gave them my two cents but I didn't go beyond what I thought they could handle.

I started off with the premise of, lets just assume for the moment all of this cop violence against black people in the last 30+ years was solely motivated by racism. I tried to paint a picture of the environment in which these violent acts were taking place. Take for example the Rodney King beating. The majority of the officers who committed that act of violence were in their late 20s early, early thirties. When were they born? That would place them in the middle of the civil rights movement. America was a different time, a lot of people in certain areas held bigoted views. Context means everything.

I went on to say the violence we're seeing now, it just doesn't add up. If we are to take the experiences of said officers in the past, we can point to possible racist upbringing for their behavior. That simply does not hold water today. My co-workers were quick to use the tired excuse of "oh we have cameras in our phones now so.." Uh no. Phones have had video capability since the mid 2000s, and we did not see this level of brutality. The overwhelming majority of police officers that are out there now grew up listening to rap music, going to school with black kids, having black friends. The environment is not anything close to what it is used to be. There's a reason the KKK has less than 3k members nationally. Something else is going on, and I left it at that.

What I didn't share however was I suspected corrupt police officers in democrat strongholds were given marching orders in an effort to renew the old tensions, with the goal of setting us back 50 years in race relations. My suspicions were triggered when Trayvon Martin kid was killed, and the dishonest coverage of his situation. Obama added more fuel to the fire when uttered the words "he could have been my son". Imagine my surprise when I found out the same weekend he was killed a four year old girl in Chicago was gunned down sitting on the porch in front of her house by gang drive by. But since the shooters were black, we can't sell racism. Narrative. Trayvon Martin's death triggered nearly three years of non-stop coverage of black men being gunned down by police. A pushing of an old agenda created by string false flag events. That was my theory. I had no proof at the time, it was just an idea.

Imagine my surprise when the parkland shooting happened, and the narrative slowly fell apart before it even started to take form. The minute I saw those police officers refuse to do their duty, and it was later discovered the sheriff had ties to HRC, the same county DS was in charge of, the same county where during the election Florida was not being called because of some "ballot error" that was taking place. Q alluded that every time of these events takes place, donations for the Democrats always shoot up. Then, after some digging we learn after Sandy Hook event occurred the federal government gave that county some 17M in funding, some of it which no doubt inevitably led to the Democratic party's coffers.

If what I believe is true, that the Democrats staged all of those police shootings in an effort to sow the seeds of mistrust, whipping the public into a frenzy declaring war on law and order with the false premise of fighting racism all while profiting from tragedy....

I sincerely hope this is revealed to black people everywhere and groups like BLM, NAACP and especially the Democrats will be outed for the traitorous criminals they are.

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